Friday, August 22, 2008

Almost an Ideal Day Weatherwise

I woke up later than I did yesterday; yesterday I was up by 0400; so that was not too hard to do and it was still half way dark outside but it looked like it was going to be a pretty nice day.

By the time I made myself breakfast the sun was out and not many clouds in the sky. So after putting my dishes into the dishwasher I took the recycling outside and then went for a walk. After my walk I went out back and picked a dozen and a half of the cherry tomatoes. For some reason they seem to be the only ones that are ripening in any quantity right now.

There are about three early girl tomatoes that are turning red but I notice that they are also starting to rot from the bottom. The roma tomatoes are starting to get pretty good size and should be ripening soon.

After taking the tomatoes into the house I went back outside and raked more of the front lawn. I have just about all of it raked now and about two-thirds of it thatched. I would have liked to have finished it today but I am starting to figure out when I am pushing myself too much and trying to stop before I pass the point of being exhausted.

So after putting my rakes away I decided that I would do a little pruning on the apple tree in the back yard. Since most of the apples are gone now I thought that it would be a good time to trim some branches that the squirrels use to go from the golden mountain ash tree to the apple tree.

I filled two large garbage cans with branches and then dumped them into the recycling container. That container really holds a lot as the two garbage cans did not even fill it up. Maybe with this larger container I will be able to get rid of some of the yard debris that I do not usually get to get rid of.

By the time I finished pruning I was really getting tired so I put my pole pruner and my loppers into the garage and went into the house and cleaned up I was really sweaty and tired.

After resting for a while I reheated some more of that shrimp gumbo and had that for lunch. I reheated the remainder thinking that I would finish it today but I finished about half of it so I will have the rest of it for lunch some other day. I am trying to eat slowly enough so that when I do get full I know it and can stop before I eat too much.

After putting the rest of the gumbo in the refrigerator and my silverware into the dishwasher I went into the living room and sat down for a while before I fell asleep. I knew that I was pretty tired but I was surprised at how quickly I fell asleep.

After waking up I went checked my email and tried to stay awake. I had thought that I might have been able to go out and finish raking this afternoon or do some more cleaning in the garage but no such luck. I am really tired of being so tired all the time.

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