As I was walking behind our house I notice a plume of really black smoke that looked to be four of five blocks away so I cut across the field and headed down the street toward where I thought the fire might be coming from. The further I walked the further away I could tell it actually was but I kept walking; after all it was down hill and the walking was easy.
I finally got all the way down to Sandy Boulevard and 112th and saw a fire engine heading north on 112th and I could see where the fire was; it was a couple blocks north of Sandy, but since my bronchitis was just getting better I decided not to go any closer. Her are a couple pictures of the fire:

I kept walking down Sandy until I got to 105th and then decided that I had better start heading home since Kathleen had a doctor's appointment at 1130. As easy as walking down hill was walking back up the hill was equally hard...but I made it and I did not feel all that bad afterwards just tired.
We went to Kathleen's doctor appointment and then Kathleen dropped me off at home and she went to meet with the lady from church at 1330. I had some of the Trader Joe's chicken and rice from last night’s dinner for lunch and after I finished eating I emptied the dishwasher and put my lunch dishes in.
Since it still has not rained I decided to water the garden in the front of the house, so I went out and did that. After watering I got my broom and swept off the steps and then the walkway. Then I went back into the house and read the mail.
Tonight Kathleen heated up a can of chicken gumbo soup for me and fixed herself something else as she does not like gumbo. After dinner I put the dishes into the dishwasher and here I am writing my blog.
Tomorrow it is suppose to start heating up once again, I will not like it as much but just about everyone else will and I guess that warm or hot weather is what one should expect in the summer.
Did you take those photos? It sure looks like a bad fire.
If you are interested in swimming let us know...the pool is heated this year!
Just wondering - did you have a camera with you, or is your cell a camera phone?
By the way, do you know what was on fire?
I did not take the photos but I could have as my cell phone is a smart phone with a nice camera on it.
The phone is a Palm Treo 680 I got it because I had a Palm and a phone and this combines both in one.
I thought about getting the iPhone but I already had an iTouch and did not need to spend the extra bucks.
The fire was at Buckaroo Thermoseal Warehouse so I am guessing that it was roofing material of some sort probably asphalt or something similar.
The smoke sure was black and lasted for over an hour. It was a three alarm fire and I think I saw about eighteen fire trucks, engines and rescue vehicles.
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