Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A day of Digging

This morning after breakfast, reading the paper and mail, I went outside to work on the area west of the driveway. I wanted to widen the area that is level with the driveway so that when I take the Jeep in and out of the garage I can do it driving straight in or out without having to jockey it around so much.

So yesterday I started to take some of the slope out, and this morning I worked on it a little more. Unfortunately where I was working was in the sun so I had to keep stopping and resting so as not to wear myself out. I did not get as much done as I would have liked to; I kept having to dig out roots, sorting out broken glass and chunks of wood.

The wood is mostly from the junk pile that was there until Sunday and I think the glass has been there from before we moved here. I have found broken glass, both pane glass and bottles, cans and plastic just about every place I have dug around here. I do not think the previous owners used garbage service but buried all their garbage.

When I finally got too tired I stopped digging and then raked the area to make is smooth. Then I took my concrete broom and swept the driveway off. By the time I finished it was just about noon time. It was pretty humid feeling out and the air quality was not the greatest either so I did not want to over do.

After drinking several glasses of water I went and sat down for a while. Finally around 1300 I made myself some lunch and then sat down again. This time I dozed off and was awaken when Alyssa call and asked if Dan could come over to pick up some raspberries and foxglove plants. So I tried to wake myself up as much as possible before Dan got here.

When Dan got here we went out back and dug up a couple dozen raspberries plants and about the same amount of foxglove plants. Both of those plants seem to grow like weeds around here. I keep on giving them away and they keep growing. It is almost like my iris, I keep giving them away as well.

Well, I am trying to keep these a little shorter and not as repetitive; it is easier on my and probably not as boring for others.


Sue Albert said...

It is hard to envision the pile of junk by your driveway. You have not had a straight path into your garage for all these years? Too bad you didn't take a "before" picture. The before and after would have been interesting.

You are always working so hard around the yard. I bet it will really look nice now.

We have never been bored by your blog, but I can imagine that it must get repetitive for you.

I am not entirely in to the facebook thing yet. It has always seemed to be something for the kids. A lot of it seems like a waste of time. I guess I am sounding like an old fogey!

Tim and Jill are coming for the long weekend. We are going to Brad's on Saturday for a Fourth of July picnic. I think all of his kids might be there this time. He is not sure about Terry, as Terry is a prison guard now and might not have the day off. He is not stationed nearby. Tim has not seen Micah for a few years, so I hope he will be there.

Well, the year is half over already. It is hard to believe. I hope you have a good day tomorrow, and that it cools off a bit.

Bob Roush said...

That side of the yard has been neglected for about five years now, it use to be pretty nice but when Toni and Chucky moved back here a lot of the lumber I had been storing in the garage got moved out there and then pretty soon it became the place where things got put that did not have a home elsewhere.

I guess some days it just seems like all I have to say is what I had to eat for three meals a day and one or two other items that really do not amount to much.

I am not much into the facebook thing either, it seems like you almost have to be on the computer 24/7 or at least a good part of ones day.

Tell Tim and Jill hi from us out here, even though I do not know Jill and she does not know us she sounds like she is becoming family.

I tried calling Brad on his birthday but I did not get an answer and I just keep forgetting about calling again. I never know when he is sleeping or working and I know with Kimberley and her boys there probably is not a lot of quiet sleep time.

Anyway give Brad and his family a hug from us out here in Oregon country.

I am also trying to keep the blog shorter so that it will fit better on one sheet of paper.

Take care and give Mom my love,


Alyssa said...

Thanks for the plants...Dan just realized that he is planning to cut the fir tree down (yes he is that crazy!) and the spot I have for the raspberries is right in the path of where the tree will land. So for now, I have them in buckets of water in the shade...will they be okay?

Bob Roush said...

The raspberries will be okay in a bucket of water as long as you keep water in the bucket. I would not suggest that you keep them in there too long, but for a week or so they should be fine.

As for the foxglove you could just plop them down on some ground that has been turned over and loosened up a little. I did that with several this last spring and they are doing fine. You will have to make sure that they get plenty of water so that they do not dry out.

When is Dan planning on cutting down the fir tree? If he is not going to do it for a while you might be okay to go ahead and plant the raspberries at worst when he cuts the tree down it might break off the stalks but new ones will start to grow in their place.

Planting them would be better than letting them dry up and die.

Alyssa said...

Maybe I will plant them and then install the support after the tree comes down. He spent an hour trying to figure out why the chain saw wasn't working, so it could be a while. I did plant the foxglove today and watered them a couple times. I think they should be fine.

Bob Roush said...

I think that the weather is suppose to be a little cooler at least out of the eighties so as long as you keep them watered they should be okay.