Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Well, Back to a More Typical Oregon Spring

I was awaken this morning to the familiar sound of rain on the sky light around 0430 and I could also tell that it was going to be much cooler today than it had been.

This morning after breakfast I broke down several large cardboard boxes and took them out front for the recycling truck. Then I filled three of our bird feeders with sunflower seeds and hung them up. While I was filling one of the bird feeders a squirrel came right up to me and sniffed my foot; a couple minutes later a little chickadee flew up to me and landed only about a foot away. The birds and squirrels are getting so use to me that they do not fly or run away all the time now. The squirrels are getting really brave.

I also pounded a galvanized pipe into the ground and then a plastic rod into it to set up the new bird feeder that Aaron, Tami and the girls gave us. After putting the feeder on top of the pole I went back into the house to rest up.

While it does not sound like I did a lot, I was pretty worn out; partly because I have not been sleeping too well because of my allergies. I sleep okay for a few hours but then my nose plugs up and I wake up on a regular basis.

While I was sitting at the kitchen table talking to Kathleen I noticed a squirrel on the new bird feeder, so went I went outside I noticed that the squirrel was able to climb on the plastic rod. I guess that it is soft enough that they can get their claws into it and climb up it just as if it were made out of wood.

Now I will have to rethink how to keep the squirrels off the bird feeder; I do not mind them eating what the birds knock off the feeder, but I do not want them climbing up and helping themselves.

That is about all I got done today. I have been taking Benadryl every few hours so that has helped keep me pretty drowsy most of the day. My nose is getting sore from using nose spray so much to keep my nose open enough so that I can breath for a while.

Kathleen had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I was feeling so bad that I told her that I do not think that I should go so I stayed here and just vegged out in my chair.

Kathleen had put a pot roast on before she left and so when she came home we had the roast, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner.


Sue Albert said...

Have you tried Claritin during the day for your allergies? I use Benadryl at night when my allergies ae bad, but Claritin during the day. There is a generic for it now.

We had a great time in the city. Grease was fantastic. We celebrated Jennifer's birthday by going to the Bellport Country Club for lunch, and the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. After we came home, we took her to Olive Garden. Bill, Jeff, and Jeremy joined us for that celebration. Then we came home for cake, ice cream, and presents. So she had quite an extended birthday this year!

This has been an exceptionally beautiful year for flowers, and flowering bushes. I am really enjoying being outside every day. Mom seems much more alert now that I am home.

I would still like to go back to work part-time, as I miss the children. I really loved what I did.

Well, I have a doctor appointment this morning, so I better start getting ready.

Love to all,

Bob Roush said...

I had been using Claritin until I ran out. The Benadryl kind of serves two purposes, it keeps me drowsy so that cannot overdue and it also uses up some of the large supply that we have accumulated over the years.

When we were doing the upstairs bathroom remodeling I discovered several open boxes of it and I put them all in one place.

I am glad that you had a good time down on the island. I have not been to Bellport Country Club since my high school days, I bet that it must have changed a lot since then.

What is your doctor's appointment for; is it for you or Mom?