Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday's Suggestions

Well with summer approaching I thought that I would pass along a few suggestions for keeping insects at bay in yards and off us. Most of these use ingredients that are readily available and are safe to use around people.

The first one is a deterrent for mosquitoes I will call it mosquito lemonade but before using it you will need to do is drain any areas of standing water to keep them from becoming mosquito breeding grounds.

Once this is done, to discourage mosquitoes from returning and keep them away try over spraying your yard 3 times a week in the evening with this mixture.

Mosquito Lemonade:

1 cup of lemon-scented ammonia.

1 cup of lemon-scented dish washing liquid

Then using a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer, pour the two ingredients into it and then fill the balance of the sprayer jar with warm water.

Biting insects are more attracted to certain bright colors and floral patterns. So wearing lighter shades, like khaki, yellow, or white, will draw less attention from buzzing and bothersome bugs and go a long way toward keeping you bite-free. Then if you are going to be outside in the evenings a dab of geranium or lavender essential oil works just as well, and you will smell good as well.

It is barbecue time so here are a couple suggestions to help keep the yellow jackets and wasps away.

If yellow jacket or wasps are ruining your barbecue, try doing a couple of things. First take a piece of the meat that you are going to barbecue and put it as far from where you are going to barbecue and eat as possible.

Then use a hand held spray bottle that you have fill with white vinegar and a squirt or two of dish washing liquid. Then shake it up, and spray those bad-news bugs that find their way to the table they will drop dead in their tracks and you should be able to enjoy your barbecue without the fear of being stung.

Toni called a couple of times today to keep us updated on their progress to Florida. The last time she called they were in Florida enjoying the warm and muggy weather down there. She is down there to go to a high school graduation of a girl that use to live next door to us and she use to baby sit for all the time. I hope that they enjoy their time down there and have a safe trip back home.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Finally a nice day!

I woke up at 0400 this morning and could not get back to sleep so finally about 0430 I got up so that I would not disturb Kathleen. I had breakfast eaten, the dishes washed and the paper read by the time the sun came up so I sat in my chair for a while until about 0930 and I went upstairs to see if Kathleen was yet, she was not, so I went back downstairs.

I knew that I needed to mow either the front lawn or the back lawn today, so I went out and mowed the front lawn and when I went inside and went upstairs to see if Kathleen was up yet, still not luck. We needed to go to Costco and we also had doctor's appointments this afternoon so I started to change my clothes to go to Costco myself.

Kathleen woke up as I was getting dressed and said that she wanted to go as well, so I went downstairs and waited for her. It got to be about noon so I made myself something to eat as I did not want to go to Costco hungry.

Kathleen came downstairs and made herself some breakfast and while she was eating I brought the mail in and recycled most of it. After Kathleen finished eating she went back upstairs to finish getting ready to go. Finally two hours after I started to leave we were out the door.

After spending more money than we should have at Costco we headed home to put everything away and then get ready to go to the doctors. The doctor said that I have acute bronchitis and gave me a couple prescriptions to get filled. While we were there we also picked up a couple things of Benadryl for Becca as she had an allergic reaction to some amoxicillin and had tiny red bumps all over her body.

After dropping the Benadryl off at Aaron and Tami's and visiting with Becca for a while, Alexis was taking a nap, we took off for home. On the way we stopped by Burgerville for something to eat. I had an Oregon Harvest Patty basket; the Harvest Patty is made up of organic black rice, sweet potatoes, Anasazi beans, carrots, mushroom, corn, onions, broccoli, celery and flax meal, and was really good.

We finally got home a little after 1900 and after putting everything away and changing my clothes, here I am.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Slow Thursday

I slept all night and did not wake up because I could not breathe for the first time in that last two weeks. I irrigated my nose last night and got quite a lot of mucus out and I think that is the reason that my nose did not clog up on me last night.

This morning after reading the paper and eating breakfast I went outside and pulled some of the vines out from the garden in front of the house; these were starts from some of the roots that I did not get out when I did it a couple weeks ago. I will probably have to keep doing this all summer as the least little bit of root that is left in the ground and they start growing again.

After I finished pulling the vines, I put in eight solar lights; three of them in the front to lead into the front steps and the rest in the back. I put a couple on each side of the trellis with the clematis growing on it, that leads to the rose garden; one by the trellis with more clematis growing on it, that leads to the vegetable garden; then the rest I just put along the front of the rose garden.

Then I went back inside as I could feel my nose starting its running stage, so I took some more medicine to help elevate the mucus problem. The mail had just come so I went out and got it but there really was not much there; is it any wonder that I fill up a recycling bin with junk mail every week?

After a bit I got hungry so I heated up some of last night’s dinner for my lunch and then went into the living room and watched some television while I finished reading a magazine. Kathleen came down stairs and made herself some breakfast and then went back upstairs; she still is not feeling any better.

I called our financial adviser and let them know that we would not be able to make their program tonight. After a while Kathleen called me from upstairs and let me know that she made a doctor's appointment for each of us. I am starting to feel like pneumonia might be setting in. I cough all day and my nose runs; it seems like I always have mucus in my throat.

Alyssa came over with the children for a while this afternoon and while Kathleen and Alyssa worked on a project I tried to keep the children a little occupied. After a while they all complained about being hungry so Alyssa and I gave them some Cheerios and graham crackers which seemed to satisfy them, at least until they left.

It was dinner time for us when they left so Kathleen heated up the rest of last night’s dinner and some apple sauce. We are both too tired to really care about what we had to eat; we just needed something to eat.

Well, I am hoping that I can get other full nights sleep, even after getting a good night sleep I am still feeling really tired and it is getting pretty old.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Not Even Close to Being a Nice Day!

Unlike yesterday when the sun actually came out in the afternoon today it turned from overcast to actual rain. It looked like rain all day and this afternoon it did.

This morning after breakfast I loaded up the dishwasher and started it up. The mail came but there really was nothing worth keeping other than one of my garden magazines, so I deposited the rest of it in the recycling.

While the dishes were washing I went outside and got my reel mower and mowed the front lawn. I even managed to mow it diagonally after I mowed it east and west but by the time I finished the diagonal cut the battery was just about dead.

When the dishes finished I emptied the dishwasher and put the dishes away. Kathleen finally came back downstairs to eat her English muffin and while she was doing that I made myself some cinnamon toast for my lunch.

After putting the dishes into the dishwasher I went and sat in my chair to read the magazine that came today. I got about half way through and my eyes got real heavy so I put the magazine down and took a nap.

Kathleen had decided that she did not feel well enough to meet with the lady from church today so she was home this afternoon while I was napping. Then tonight she made some chili and brown rice; put it in a pan and the put a corn bread mix on top and baked it in the oven.

Kathleen did not like the way that the corn bread tasted but I thought that it tasted pretty good. The chili was bean less as since the radiation I do not always do well with beans. It is too bad as I always like beans; they did not always like me, but that is another issue.

Today was a rather unproductive day for me, I thought about doing some work inside, but with my allergies/sinuses being what they are I did not think that it was too good an idea.

Stan, the fellow who is helping do our remodeling just called and it looks like he will be able to do some more work toward the middle of next month. So now we need to finish up a couple things and make a decision as to the flooring that we want.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Almost a nice day

I awoke about 0430 this morning with my nose just about totally blocked so I sprayed it a couple times with that decongestant spray and it cleared it up and I was able to get back to sleep again. When I finally got up again it was really dreary looking outside and the weather people were saying that it was going to rain.

After finishing breakfast and the paper I went and sat in my chair for a while and then I went outside and gathered up the garbage can, the recycling bin and the yard debris barrel after they had been emptied. Then I got some more bird seed and filled up the one bird feeder as it had been empty for about a day or so.

While I was doing that the mail came so I met the mail man at the street and brought it in. There was not anything for me worth keeping but Kathleen got a book from her cousin in Seattle. I had been meaning to make some adjustments on my little reel mower so I went out to the garage and worked on it for a while and then adjusted the cutting height as I had been cutting it really low because the grass was growing so fast.

I thought that I would see how it cut so I put the battery in and started it up. I thought that I had set the cutting height too high so I stopped it and lowered it a little bit. The grass was cutting pretty well so I kept cutting and finished the back yard. The battery still had some juice left so I went and mowed the west side of the driveway and the neighbor's grass just on the other side of the fence and their driveway.

When the battery started getting weak I decided to stop and put the battery on the charger. I wanted to trim the grass around the sidewalk in the back yard so I got out my little cordless line trimmer and trimmed it. I also trimmed the grass in the neighbor's driveway near the property line and around the other neighbor's house and stone wall where her son's mower did not get.

By the time the trimmer ran out of power I was tired and hungry so I put everything away and went inside and cleaned up. I made myself a sardine sandwich on jalapeƱo bread. I had a dill pickle to top it all off. After cleaning up my mess I went and sat down again and just as I was getting comfortable the UPS man rang the door bell. It was something that I had ordered for Kathleen for her birthday but had gotten back ordered.

For dinner tonight I made myself a hoagie sandwich with sliced ham, chicken and provolone cheese on a hoagie bun and another dill pickle. Kathleen had an online class on about her sewing machine tonight so she ate a little earlier.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Well today is Memorial Day and even though I am not "working" I kind of took a day off. After eating and reading the paper I emptied the dishwasher and then gathered up the towels and washed, dried, folded and put away the towels. Kathleen came down stairs when I took the towels upstairs and made herself some breakfast.

I picked up the kitchen rugs and shook them out and then swept the kitchen floor then put the rugs back down. I had been noticing that the carpeting was getting pretty dirty, fir pollen pods and needles, so I got the vacuum cleaner out and vacuumed the downstairs.

By this time it was time for me to have lunch, so I fixed myself another smoked sausage on a bun with kraut. Kathleen was just finishing her breakfast and complained about the smell; I guess that she just does not appreciate good kraut.

After finishing lunch I gathered up the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher and then sat for a while in the living room to rest up a little. After a little bit I went out to the garage and gathered up the crushed boxes that I broke down yesterday and put them on the front porch so that I could take them up front tomorrow morning for recycling along with the plastic and paper.

Kathleen said that I should refill the bird feeder on the front porch and then she also said that she wished that she could see out of the window better; a couple weeks ago she tried to wash the windows and just smeared the dirt around and made it look cloudy. So I added some ammonia to a bucket of water and took a cloth and a squeegee out and washed the two windows on the porch that looked out at the bird feeder.

Kathleen said that it looked a lot better but the inside needed cleaning as well but she said that she would do it sometime. For dinner tonight she made a chicken breast cut it up and added it to some rice. She also made some peas to go along with it but when we started to eat she felt that something was missing so we opened up a jar of apple sauce and that did the trick.

After we finished eating I gathered up the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher and here I sit. I was just telling Kathleen that I do not understand why my nose runs all day long and at night it is all congested. From the time I get up I start coughing up mucus and blowing my nose and then I wake up in the middle of the night and my nose is all blocked up...go figure!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Soggy Sunday

Last night we had one of the longest thunder and lightning storm that I have seen in a very long time. It reminded me of being in the mountains and having the storm rumble on and on for hours. Last night storm lasted a good hour and probably longer, we lost power briefly four or five times for just a couple seconds each time. I cut my blog a little short last night as I wanted to turn my computer off just in case.

This morning it started raining again fairly early and it rained most of the day. So after breakfast I emptied the dishwasher and then read the paper and comics. Not being able to work outside I decided that I would go out to the garage and move some things around. I have a potting bench that has been next to my Jeep and behind some other things so I have not been able to use it.

It took me quite a while before I could get to it but I finally did. In the process I was able to throw some things out and also recycle some cardboard boxes as well. By the time I got everything back so that I could use the garage I was getting hungry so I went inside, cleaned up and made a smoked sausage on a bun with sour kraut on it. I also had some kraut and a dill pickle on the side.

After resting for a while I decided that I would go downstairs and do a little cleaning up down there. I was able to clean up a little area and also found some things that I bagged for Alyssa and Aaron. I am not sure if they want it or not, but it will either be theirs or it will be thrown away. We have entirely too much "STUFF" and we need to weed through it; throw it our or give it away instead of just storing it.

Tonight Kathleen made some roast beef sandwiches with the pot roast for the other nigh and had dill pickles on them with some sea salt and vinegar chips. So far we have had three or four meals out of it and there is still some left for another meal.

Well, I finally am starting to feel better; I slept pretty well last night and was only a little congested when I got up. I did not make it to church this morning as it took me until around 1100 before I could get my coughing under control. I also feel like some of my energy is starting to come back at least I am getting a few thing accomplished.

If you have not looked Alyssa has posted a couple blogs today with some pictures.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Feeling Better Saturday

I felt pretty good this morning as I got up and so after doing the breakfast dishes I went outside and decided to sit out in the sun shine and soak up some vitamin -D-. I had kind of though about mowing the back yard but it was still pretty wet when I thought about it.

After sitting for a while I decided that I would weed along the east side of the house so I did. When I finished that the sun was going behind some clouds and it looked like it might rain. So I went inside and made myself a sandwich with some cold cuts and provolone and white American cheeses. I also had some sweet German potato salad and some pea and ham salad with a dill pickle to go along with it.

Then I sat down in my chair for a while and fell asleep. I must have slept quit a while and I felt pretty good when I got up so I went outside and weeded trimmed the grass along the whole east side of the front lawn. Kathleen came out with a banana strawberry milk shake which tasted really good. Our neighbor came over and talked with Kathleen for a while, while I finished weeding and trimming.

By the time I finished and went into the house to clean up it was after 1900 and I was really tired. I did get quite a lot of mucus out and after I did I felt much better. While I was outside I could hardly talk but as soon as I got the mucus out I could almost talk normally.

Kathleen reheated the scalped potatoes from last night and there is still a little bit left. I could have had more, but I felt full so I decided that the best thing to do would be to leave it for another day.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Little Better Friday

I slept in a little longer this morning and when I did get up I felt better than I have in several days. On my way downstairs I took a couple laundry baskets of clothes downstairs with me and loaded up dark clothes before I made my breakfast.

By the time I finished eating and cleaning up my mess the clothes were done washing, so I put them into the dryer and loaded up another load into the washer. While everything was either washing or drying I sat in my chair for a while as I started feeling really tired.

I managed to cough up quite a lot of mucous and my throat was really getting sore from all the coughing and all the coughing made me tired. Just about the time I was dozing off the dryer went off so I took the clothes out and put the clothes from the washer into the dryer and turned it on again.

Then I took the clothes upstairs to fold and put them away. By this time it was time to take some more meds for my congestion and after I had taken that I went and sat in my chair. Before much longer the dryer went off again so I gathered the clothes out of the dryer took them upstairs, folded and put them away.

After lunch I noticed that the one bird feeder was just about empty so I took it down and put about five pounds of seed into it. Later on I noticed about a dozen small birds either on the feeder or on the porch eating seed that had fallen out of the feeder.

It has been a couple days since I have been able to talk without a great deal of pain; it seem like from about 0930 on my throat gets so sore for coughing that my throat just gets raw. I have tried expectorant cough syrup and once in a while some sore throat cough medicine and neither one seem to help much.

I have even started taking some pills that are supposed to relieve mucus drainage but they have not made much difference either. Each day when I get up I feel better than the day before but then by the middle of the day I start feeling pretty miserable again. Right now I would just like to have a whole day where I felt good all day.

Tonight Kathleen made some scalped potatoes and that helped my throat for a while, but now it is just as sore as it was this afternoon. I am kind of in between times when I can take any medication for it as I like to be able to take everything just before going to bed so that I can get a little sleep.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not Quite as UGH as Yesterday!

I did not feel much better this morning when I got up but I did feel better. I learned from yesterday to spray my nose with the decongestant nasal spray and then take some pseudoedrine and that kind of clears up my stuffy nose for a while at least.

After breakfast I loaded up the dishwasher and added the soap and asked Kathleen to turn it on after she put her coffee mug in. Then I went outside and planted some of the plants that we got the other day at Fred Meyer. I only got half of them planted as it took me a while to prepare the soil.

After going inside and cleaning up I took a little nap in my chair and by the time I got up it was time for lunch. I made a veggie burger with a slice of onion and cheddar. As I was looking out the kitchen window I noticed all the walnut pollen pods on the front lawn and decided that I would go out and rake them up.

Once I got them all raked up and disposed of I decided that the front lawn was looking a little ragged; something that usually happens after raking the lawn. So I got the little reel mower out and mowed the front lawn I even mowed the west side of the driveway. I think that I have neglected that part of the lawn for several weeks and it was really starting to show.

By the time I finished mowing the front lawn, put the mower away and cleaned up I was really tired so I took another nap in my chair. I sleep better sitting up as my nose does not get quite as plugged up. I slept for quite a while again, so maybe I am making up for some of the lost sleep at night.

I feel like I got a little more done today and I feel better tonight than I did last night so hopefully I am starting to shake whatever it is that has been bugging me for the last week. My voice is still rather horse and my nose is still plugged up but over all I feel better.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I tried some new meds last night and I slept a little better or at least until around 0400. At 0430 I used some nasal decongestant and that allowed me to breathe better again and I slept until around 0630; which is around the time I am usually up anyway. I have also switched to a pseudoedrine, a decongestant to help keep, my nose from plugging up.

I have been waiting too long in between taking it and then by the time I realize it my nose is either running or plugged up. It is a good thing that it has drizzled on and off most of the day as I had not gotten very much done today.

After breakfast I loaded up the dishwasher and ran a load of dishes; then I shook out the rugs in the kitchen and swept and mopped the floor. There was also a sink load of hand wash pots and pans so I washed them as well, but most of the rest of the day I just sat around and read.

Kathleen had her meeting with the lady from church today and I think I spent most of the time dozing. She stopped off at Winco on her way home and picked up a few items that we needed. Then tonight she reheated the pot roast, mashed potatoes and green beans.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Well, Back to a More Typical Oregon Spring

I was awaken this morning to the familiar sound of rain on the sky light around 0430 and I could also tell that it was going to be much cooler today than it had been.

This morning after breakfast I broke down several large cardboard boxes and took them out front for the recycling truck. Then I filled three of our bird feeders with sunflower seeds and hung them up. While I was filling one of the bird feeders a squirrel came right up to me and sniffed my foot; a couple minutes later a little chickadee flew up to me and landed only about a foot away. The birds and squirrels are getting so use to me that they do not fly or run away all the time now. The squirrels are getting really brave.

I also pounded a galvanized pipe into the ground and then a plastic rod into it to set up the new bird feeder that Aaron, Tami and the girls gave us. After putting the feeder on top of the pole I went back into the house to rest up.

While it does not sound like I did a lot, I was pretty worn out; partly because I have not been sleeping too well because of my allergies. I sleep okay for a few hours but then my nose plugs up and I wake up on a regular basis.

While I was sitting at the kitchen table talking to Kathleen I noticed a squirrel on the new bird feeder, so went I went outside I noticed that the squirrel was able to climb on the plastic rod. I guess that it is soft enough that they can get their claws into it and climb up it just as if it were made out of wood.

Now I will have to rethink how to keep the squirrels off the bird feeder; I do not mind them eating what the birds knock off the feeder, but I do not want them climbing up and helping themselves.

That is about all I got done today. I have been taking Benadryl every few hours so that has helped keep me pretty drowsy most of the day. My nose is getting sore from using nose spray so much to keep my nose open enough so that I can breath for a while.

Kathleen had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I was feeling so bad that I told her that I do not think that I should go so I stayed here and just vegged out in my chair.

Kathleen had put a pot roast on before she left and so when she came home we had the roast, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Farmer Bob's Almanac

Today was much nicer than it had been this weekend; it only got into the eighties but it felt much cooler because it was almost one hundred degrees yesterday. I looked at the thermometer yesterday afternoon and it was just about one hundred degrees in the shade.

This morning after breakfast I went outside and planted the rest of my garden. I planted a couple different kind of lettuce, carrots, zucchini squash, and then I also panted single varieties of beets, radishes, push beans, pumpkins and cantaloupe.

I also planted some nasturtiums, marigold, sun flowers, poppies, foxglove, lupine, sweet peas, columbine, and a lot of wild flower mixes. I came across a box of seeds that we have had for a while and I thought that I would just scatter them around and if they grew, great, and if they did not I could always plant something else in a couple of weeks.

This is the earliest that I can remember having my garden all planted in a long while. The last time I planted this early I had to replant as it was too damp and the seeds just rotted. This year it seems to be drier and I am hopeful that I will not have to plant.

The twenty something tomatoes that I planted this weekend look pretty good, I have watered them every day just to give them a good start and I planted them deep enough that they should do okay when it does turn hot again.

Last night I could hardly breathe as my allergies were really kicking in even with taking my allergy medication did not really help. I sprayed my nose about every ten minutes just so that I could breath. Then this morning it started up all over again.

Tonight Zander had a t-ball game, so Kathleen and I went to watch him play and being out in the field did not help my allergies at all. By the time we left I could hardly breathe and I had forgotten my nose spray and it was too early for me to take any more allergy medication.

It was fun to watch the kids play ball, the team on the field would roam around or lay down and they always threw the ball toward first base even when another runner way right next to them. I do not think either side ever got an out; the way they play they batted the side around and then switch from offense to defense. They do not keep score...there is no need to as everyone gets on base and then they all go home when the last batter hits the ball. Very interesting!

Right now our pine tree, the fir trees and the walnut trees are all dropping pollen, so it is no wonder that my allergies are giving me fits. It would probably help if I stayed in doors, but when the weather is this nice out it is hard for me to stay indoors.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Too Early to be this Hot!

I knew that it was going to be a hot day today as I checked the temperature before I had breakfast and it was already over seventy degrees out in the shade. After eating I went out and mowed the front lawn, it was too hot already to try and do the whole yard. After finishing the front lawn I put the mower away and got out my grass shears and trimmed the grass along the edge of the gardens in the back yard.

After sitting down in the back yard for a little while to rest and cool off I went into the house washed my hands and face to get the pollens off and refresh myself a little. The mail was just getting here so I went out and got it, there really was nothing worth opening so most of it wound up it the recycling.

By this time it was getting close to lunch time so I reheated up some of the shrimp gumbo that I made the other day. Kathleen had just made it downstairs and made herself some breakfast. After a while we decided that we needed to go to Wal-Mart for a couple things we forgot the other day.

Finally a while later Kathleen came back downstairs and then we took off. I got a coupe dozen tomato plants, a dandelion weeder, some Roundup and a pair of Frisker rose shears that have a special section that removes the thorns.

We also picked up some deli cheeses from the deli and some jalapeƱo bread to make some sandwiches for dinner tonight. We also picked up some baby lettuce, an avocado, lemons and limes and a few other things that I cannot remember.

I think that the temperature today got up into the nineties and it is suppose to do that again tomorrow. This is much too early in the year to have that kind of temperatures. It was kind of funny to see the snow still in the foot hills and having to use the air conditioner in the car to stay cool.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Too Hot Too Fast

I read this cartoon this morning as I was reading the paper after breakfast and just knew that I would have to post it in my blog today. For those of you who do not know it, Kathleen always wears two pair of glasses and the ones that are not on her nose are usually on her head and often times she cannot find them.

Our neighbor's son stopped by this morning after I had finished eating and asked for suggestions as her neighbors on the other side of her were really noisy and she was not sleeping well. We talked for a while and I gave him one of the guys cell phone number.

After he left I went outside and dug out some blackberries that were growing just on the other side of the fence. Andrea, Toni and Brandon came over for a while this morning and so I went inside and visited with them for a while, but after about a half an hour I went back outside to finish what I had started.

As I was going inside again Kathleen was coming out with Brandon as they were getting ready to leave. So after cleaning up I went out front to say good bye to everyone. Then I sat in my chair for a while to rest up as I had gotten really hot while working outside. I am not sure what the temperature was today but it was getting close to ninety degrees.

I did not get much more done today as it was just too hot to do much outside and I was tired enough that I just kind of wanted to veg out. It is supposed to be in the ninety's for the next few days, but my body is not ready for that warn a temperature just yet. It usually takes a while gradually building up to high temperatures before I can handle it very well; and even then I do not usually do too well.

This would have been a good time to be at the coast, except neither Kathleen nor I have felt really that well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Off to a Slow Start

After breakfast this morning I went outside and raked the cherry blossoms from the back yard and then put the fertilizer on the front and back lawn. Then after coming inside and cleaning up I got the mail.

Kathleen was meeting with one of the ladies from the church today and shortly after she left I went into the kitchen and made myself a smoked sausage with some sour kraut. After I had eaten I made a pot of shrimp gumbo.

While the gumbo was simmering I went outside and sprayed the roses and then pruned some branches from the cherry trees , the Rose of Sharon and the arborvitae; but the time I had filled the barrel up I noticed that it was getting really warm out and I was getting tired so I went into the house, cleaned up and then had a bowl of gumbo.

After that I went into the living room and sat in my chair and fell asleep. I think that I must have dozed off and on for a couple hours. Kathleen finally got back around 1700 and reminded me that she had a class at Montivilla Sewing Center tonight at 1830.

Tonight for dinner she made a shrimp salad which tasted really good. After dinner I gathered up all the dishes and loaded the dishwasher and started it up.

Say Sue how was your trip to Grease on Broadway was it as good as you hoped it would be? Jennifer Happy Birthday, I am guessing that you will not see this until Thursday but just in case you look at your laptop Wednesday tonight I know that your birthday is 05/15.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring/Summer begins Tomorrow!

This morning was generally overcast and by 0900 it had started to drizzle something that continued just about the rest of the day. Kathleen was up early today and so we made some hash brown potatoes and I poached some eggs for myself and she made some egg yokes to put over the hash browns. Kathleen also had a couple sausages and I had a couple veggie sausages.

She did not finish her sausage so I cut it up and added it to her egg whites so that I can have it for an omelet with some egg beaters Thursday. The mail had come, so I went and got it and did not find anything worth keeping so I took the paper and junk mail out to the recycling bin and brought the garbage can back.

After a while I went outside and washed Kathleen's SUV, I like to do that while it is raining as it saves on the amount of water that I use and also the dirt come off easier. The rain helps loosen up the dirt and it is easier for me to wash the vehicles and I do not use as much energy that way.

I was still pretty worn out after washing the big SUV; there is just a lot of surface area there and no matter how easy it is; there is still a lot of vehicle to wash. So I sat in my chair for a while and dozed off and on until about 1530 or so.

I was going to take Kathleen out to lunch today, but she had not gotten dressed by 1600 and said that she had an upset stomach; it almost sounds like what I had this last weekend.

For dinner tonight Kathleen made some rice; she put some cheese on hers and I added a can of sardines and then cheese on mine. Not the greatest of meals, but neither one of us felt that great.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Day to Recover

Saturday was the day that we celebrated our thirty-ninth anniversary, Mother's Day and Kathleen's birthday over at Andrea and John's. I did not do a lot Saturday morning as I wanted to be somewhat alert when we got together with the children and grandchildren. Even with that said by the time we left Andrea and John's I was really tired and my ankle was really throbbing.

Just about all of the grandchildren came over and sat by me on the couch; none of them stayed too long, because they were having too much fun playing with each other. I felt bad that I did not have the energy to do much else but sit around, but I needed to keep pretty quiet and rest my ankle so that I did not open up the wound.

Then Sunday I was really tired and not feeling very well so I decided to stay home; Kathleen could not get herself ready in time to go either so we both missed church and Sunday School. I had Kathleen call over to Aaron and Tami's to find out if there had been a decision by Pastor Tom to accept our accepting his candidacy and they told us that he had. I guess that he will start the first Sunday in August, so Pastor Mark our transition pastor will stay on until then.

Then today I felt pretty good when I got up so after a while I went outside and pruned off the old growth from the ferns; I did not get them all done, but I did fill up the forty gallon barrel. After I did that I mowed the lawn and by then I was too tired to do anything else so I went inside to make myself some lunch.

Kathleen came downstairs as I was starting to make my lunch and asked if I was up to going grocery shopping. I was really tired and so I told her that maybe after I had a chance to rest I might be able to go. I still was not feeling too great but I changed my clothes and got ready to go to Winco.

We had not been to Winco since March so it had been a while; after a couple hours wandering around Winco and over two hundred dollars we wrapped up our shopping. As I was loading the groceries into the cart I must have twisted and turned incorrectly as I felt a twinge in my back.

It still hurt as I unloaded the SUV and brought the groceries into the house, but after I changed my clothes and sat down and rested for a while my back started to feel better. I was still really tired and could hardly get up out of my chair for dinner, but other than feeling tired I felt pretty good.

I took the bandage off my cut and it looked pretty good, there was just a little blood on the bandage probably just from rubbing off the initial scab. I am going to leave it off tonight and see how it does, if it does not ooze I will probably leave it off.

I can see by how it looks now just how deep the wound originally was as there is now a deep grove just below my inside left ankle. I am hoping that when it is totally healed it will fill in; I am not sure weather stitches would have helped with that or not.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Bad ending to a Pretty Good Day

When I woke up this morning my eyes were almost glued shut. I think that this verifies the fact that some allergens were bothering my eyes yesterday. So when I got up this morning I washed my face with baby shampoo, that way I could really do a thorough job of washing and not worry about making my eyes any worse.

I also shaved this morning as Kathleen and I were going to go over to Alyssa's and watch the grandchildren while Alyssa ran some errands. Unfortunately my bowels were not cooperating this morning so I had to stay home and as it turned out it was a good thing I did.

Finally around 1000 I started to feel better so I went outside and pruned some of the roses that needed some pruning and also some of the blueberries that had not wintered over well.

The sun finally came out and so I decided that I would re-roto till the garden area as it has not rained much in the last week or so and the ground was not like gumbo. By the time I finished roto-tilling and raking out the garden I was getting pretty tired and my wrists were really sore.

So I went into the house and cleaned up then I hot waxed my hands and that helped alleviate the soreness. After taking the hot wax off I made myself some organic roasted red pepper and tomato soup and added the rest of the rice and beans from a couple nights ago.

Then after resting for a while I decided to pick up the rugs in the kitchen and sweep and mop the floor. I had gotten the broom and dust pan out and went to get a couple sticks out of the cookie jar when I dropped the glass lid and it shattered all over the place. So I swept the glass up and dumped it into the garbage.

Kathleen called and said that she was at Fred Meyer and wanted to know if there was anything that I could think of that she needed to pick up. I did not realize that I had gotten cut until I started noticing rather large puddles of blood on the floor. Then when I looked down at my legs I could see where I was bleeding; so I told Kathleen that I had cut myself and needed to get off the phone.

I grabbed some paper towels and tried to soak up the blood on my ankle and foot; my wool clog were soaked and it took five paper towels to soak up the blood that was still coming out of the cut. I must have nicked a vein just below my ankle.

Once I got the bleeding stopped I went into the living room and sat in my easy chair and put my foot up on the ottoman for about fifteen minutes. Once I had gone that length of time without any more blood I soaked up the blood from my clog and then put a clean towel in my clog; just in case it either started bleeding again and also to soak up more of the blood from my clog.

Then I took a couple more paper towels and mopped up the blood pools on the kitchen floor. Then I got the mop out and got it wet and mopped the kitchen floor; something that I started to do about forty-five minutes before. Then I went and sat down in my easy chair.

Kathleen came home after a while and had gotten some sirloin tips and mash potatoes for dinner. After she had some time to sit and relax I asked her if she would put some Neosporin ointment and a bandage on my cut so while she was getting those items I took another paper towel, wet it and cleaned of all the dried blood from my foot.

After dinner I gave Kathleen her anniversary present that I had hidden under the dinning room table. I gave her a micro-wave for the upstairs so that she could heat up her hot pad or make some popcorn or hot beverage. It is something that she has wanted for a while and while it is not the most romantic thing and I have never been much of a romantic person but more of a practical person.

It is hard to believe that it will be thirty-nine years tomorrow; it is kind of ironic as this year everything is on the same day as it was back in 1969 only we are a "little" older.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

What Weird Weather

This morning it was overcast when I got up and it was suppose to rain off and on most of the day. After breakfast I washed the dishes and then got ready to meet with the guys. We were not having breakfast this morning only meeting together at 0930.

On the way to Larry's house I stopped by the post office to mail my Mother's Mother Day card and then stopped off at Kmart to pick up some Scott's lawn fertilizer as I was suppose to put it on the lawn this last Monday.

There were a couple extra guys there today and we ran really long, in fact I asked one of the guys what time it was and it was 1220, so I said that I needed to take off as Kathleen and I were planning on going to the grocery store today. Kathleen was not dressed when I got home and so I changed my clothes and then went out and mowed the lawn. I thought that I could mow the lawn and then put the fertilizer on the lawn.

Well, I finished mowing and when I got the fertilizer bag out and read the instructions it said that for best results it should not rain for twenty-four hours and the temperature should be above sixty degrees. Well, since it was suppose to rain off and on for the next couple days and it was only in the fifties I decided that I would wait until next week when it is suppose to be in the eighties.

Then I went inside, cleaned up and made myself some lunch. Kathleen finally got dressed and wanted to go shopping around 1500 but by then I was feeling really tired. Part of it was my eyes were really bothering me for allergies and I could hardly keep them open.

I took some more allergy medication and that helped but I was still tired, not worn out but more just plain old tired. Kathleen got busy and made some brownies and never did make it shopping. At first she was going to go to Fred Meyer and pick up her prescriptions, but she was even too tired to do that.

Finally for dinner she heated up the rice and black beans, some finger potatoes and heated up a salmon patty for me. It never did rain today so if it had been over sixty degrees I could have put the fertilizer down.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Kind of a Day of Rest

When I woke up this morning I was not as sore as I was yesterday morning and I was going over the things that I needed or at least wanted to get done today. Yesterday after running the dishwasher I unloaded it and then put in all the dishes in that had been piling up. I had talked to Kathleen about starting it up yesterday morning but she forgot to so I started it up last night and by that time there were quite a few things that did not fit into it.

So this morning after finishing breakfast I had enough dishes in the dishwasher that I ran it again. While it was running I went through the coupons and took out the ones that had expired and also the ones that we need to use this week when we go least I keep hoping that we get to go shopping as we are running out of some of the meal essentials.

While I was sorting coupons Andrea called and wanted to drop off the Kitchen Aid mixer and a few tamales that she made. She was wondering if Kathleen was up yet, since she had gotten to be around 0430 this morning and it was only 0930 I told her that she was not up yet.

Andrea stopped by after she dropped John off at his shop and dropped off the mixer and tamales and I gave her the mail that had come for her and a couple other things as well. Kathleen had said after she got up that she heard a vehicle starting up and though that I was going somewhere but I told her it was Andrea.

The dishwasher finished and so I emptied it and put the dishes away and read the mail when it arrived. I got some of my medications today and also an update for one of my software programs in the mail today as well as the credit union statement.

After finishing the rest of the mail I got on the computer and reconciled my credit union accounts. I did the saving and my checking accounts and they both came out right on the money the first time. Sometimes I have to go back and recheck it, but I always get them to reconcile.

Kathleen was fixing breakfast for herself and I made myself lunch; it kind of shows how far off our schedules are; I am usually about a meal ahead of her.

After she finished breakfast, she went upstairs and got ready to go meet with one of the women from church. While she was getting ready she said that I could put up the light fixtures in the upstairs bathroom.

She painted the ceiling in the bathroom yesterday and I had been holding off putting them up until she got the ceiling painted. So by the time she left, around 1330, I had two of them up and shortly after she left I finished putting the cover on the light/fan/heater/night light unit.

I then went downstairs and scrubbed the downstairs bathroom sink and then did a little reading. Kathleen came home around 1630 and talked about going grocery shopping; I suggested maybe tomorrow as I was tired enough and did not feel like spending a couple hours in the grocery store.

She asked what to do about dinner and I suggested using the tamales that Andrea brought over and using the left over rice from the other night and opening a can of black beans and mixing it with the rice. She thought that sounded pretty good so that is what we had. She mashed the beans and added some cheddar to the rice bean mix and heated it and the tamales up in the micro-wave.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Getting Old is not Much Fun

Yesterday I spent about five hours working outside in the back yard and when I woke up this morning I was really sore but I still needed to mow the lawn. Well around 0945 I decided to go outside and mow, the weather was pretty overcast and it looked like it was getting darker outside and looking like it would start to rain at any moment.

While mowing the front lawn it got really dark and I was wondering if I would be able to finish mowing the front lawn. It never did rain and I was able to finish mowing the whole yard. While mowing the back yard I noticed that a mole has been playing in the lawn; this was never a problem when we had Reggie pacing around the back yard.

After putting the mower away I decided that since it was not raining yet; it still looked like it was going to start raining at any time, I got out my line trimmer and went into the field behind the fence and whacked away at the weeds and blackberry bushes that were growing there. It had been almost a month since I did it and I was surprised at how high everything had grown.

I usually try to keep a fifteen or twenty foot barrier between our yard and the tall grass as in the summer time it all dries out and is a fire hazard so I like to keep the grass cut so that there is a fire break so to speak. I also like to keep the blackberries cut down so that they do not wind up climbing into my grapes and then into the roses.

By the time I finished that I went into the house and cleaned up and rested for a while. My body was really sore by now and I could hardly move. The mail came as I came into the kitchen so I went out and got it...nothing really worth while unless you want to count the Costco coupon flier.

I was showing Kathleen the front gardens and she was trying to figure out where some of the plants were; they were covered up by that vine that I had been working on.

For lunch I reheated the left over Mexican pizza from one day last week. There were only three small pieces left, but it was just enough for lunch.

After resting for a little longer I decided that I would go out and try to pull the rest of the vines out and that way Kathleen could at least see where the plants were. It was so bad that one of the hostas was hidden, so I had to be really careful when I was pulling the vines out.

Well it was 1530 by the time I made it back inside and I had spent another five hours out in the yard; yesterday I had to be careful not to get a sunburn and today I had to stay busy as it was only in the sixties and very little sun.

We were going to go watch Zander's T-ball game tonight but Kathleen was not feeling very well and I was really sore and could not drive by myself; I even took an extra dose of Tylenol to see if I could reduce some of the pain. So for dinner Kathleen heated up a couple cans of Progresso soup.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Well, it has been a couple days since I blogged so let me catch up with what has been going on.

Saturday morning Kathleen and I went to watch Becca's football (soccer) match; it was really interesting to watch the youngsters play. They would all stand around and wait for just one person to kick the ball, it was almost like they were thinking that I kicked it last time so it must be your turn to kick it now.

Then when they would kick it they would kick it kind of toward the net but would hardly ever dribble the ball toward it. The defense would then run alongside the kicker and whoever got to the ball first got to kick it next. Quite different from the soccer that I remembered in jr. high, high school and college soccer, but since I did not start playing until jr. high I have no idea on how I would have done at that age.

Then on our way home we stopped at the bread store and picked up a few items and then at Western Tool to get some more sanding disks for my random orbital sander and some sanding belts for my belt sander. Then we passed a flooring place so we stopped by and looked around for a couple hours; still trying to pick out flooring for our upstairs and probably the rest of the non bathroom and kitchen areas.

By the time we got home I was ready to take a nap; I had originally planned on mowing the lawn, but the sky leaked just enough to get the lawn wet and since I had just mowed the lawn it really did not need it. I had just wanted to mow it when it was dry, but of course that did not happen.

Then yesterday the candidate for our senior pastor position was preaching so we both went to church to hear him. Then in the afternoon I just kind of took it easy as I wanted to be rested up enough to go to the business meeting to vote whether or not to offer him the position.

After some short discussion we voted and by a little over 97% margin he was voted in, so now we just have to wait to see if he is going to accept it. Early indications are that he will, but he has said that he would not be able to start until the end of July.

Then this morning I was feeling pretty good so I decided to go for a walk; I had not decided on how far I would walk, I wanted to see how I felt. I had an idea that it would be on the short side as I had not walked for a while and I did not want to over due. As it turned out my hip started to bother me so since I was about at the midway point of a place to come home I decided that I would finish going in the same direction rather than retracing my tracks.

Once I got home I was undecided whether to mow the lawn or pick up the edging; I thought that I would quickly scoop up the sod from where I had edged the other day and then mow. Well as I was picking up the sod I wound up doing some weeding and pulling out some of the plethora of violets that were growing in the back side of the berries and also in the raised garden where the cherry trees are. By the time I got done picking up the sod and weeding I was really tired and it was about 1530; since I went out there about 1030 I thought that I needed to go inside and make myself some lunch.

After eating something I decided that I needed to sit down and rest, so I plopped myself down in my easy chair and went through the Eddie Bauer catalog that came in today’s mail. I realized as soon as I sat down that I would not be getting up to mow, so now I just have to hope that the rain that is suppose to start again tomorrow will hold off until tomorrow afternoon.

I think that I will end this now; I need to see if I can get Kathleen to make something for dinner.

Friday, May 02, 2008

A Nice Day at Last

This morning we had Grandparents day at Becca's school so we left the house around 0915 and were the first grandparents there. Becca's other grandparents were the next ones to arrive so Becca had four grandparents and most of the children did not have any.

By the time it was over about a quarter of the class had someone there, but with the times being what they are many grandparents are still working and many probably do not have their grandparents living close by. So while I was happy for Becca that all of her grandparents were there I felt sorry for most of the children who did not have anyone.

Our own children faced this most of the time as we lived far enough from both sets of grandparents that they could not come to these activities when they were in school. That is one reason that I tried to go to as many of the children's events as I could.

One of the activities for the day was the children had received a five dollar gift from the PTA to buy books at the Scholastic Book Fair; Becca had already spent hers...a true Roush! So each set of her grandparents gave her ten dollars to by a book for herself and Alexis.

After school let out we took the books and poster that Becca got to her house; Becca rides the bus so she went with the bus. When we got to her house there was no one home, so while we waited I got out my garden tools that I keep in the car and pulled clover out of their lawn.

As I was doing that Tami and Becca came walking down the street from the bus stop; Tami had taken Archie for a walk while she was waiting for Becca's bus to arrive. We waited around for awhile while Tami went to pick Alexis up from her school and then we played with all of them for a while. Before long both girls were cuddled up on my lap and probably could have gone to sleep without much trouble at all.

I went outside for a while this afternoon and thought about doing some work in the gardens but I realized that I was too tired and decided to go inside and rest for a while. The rest eventually lead in me falling asleep in my chair and by the time I woke up I decided that I would forgo the yard work as it appeared that I was running on fumes and needed to recharge my energy level.

This afternoon Andrea came over and she and Kathleen went to look at some yarn. The had not come back by 1800 so I heated up some left-over macaroni and cheese that Kathleen made last night.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Finaly an Almost Nice Day

This morning was one of the nicer mornings in a while; I slept in longer than I usually do as I was really tired. I had taken a long nap yesterday and was wired enough last night that I did not get to sleep until almost midnight. I was not really wide awake this morning when I got up but I was suppose to go have breakfast with the guys this morning so I needed to get up.

I was still too tired by the time it was time to leave that I decided to stay home. Around 1030 I felt well enough to mow the lawn, I knew that I needed to get it done this morning as Kathleen had a doctor's appointment early this afternoon over in Tigard and I knew that I would not feel like mowing the lawn when we got home.

Tomorrow they have been predicting more rain, so it seemed like it was this morning or nothing. After mowing the lawn I really felt worn out and dozed off for a while before we left for Tigard. After we got back I was glad that I had mowed the lawn this morning as I was really tired. In fact I dozed a little bit before dinner; I sure am getting tired of being tired.

When we got home I called Sue and talked to her and Mom for a while; I had a Mother's Day packaged sent to Sue's house and saw online that it had been delivered and I wanted to make sure that the got it okay.

Sue has a busy day tomorrow she has to take Jennifer to the airport early in the morning and them Bill to the hospital as he has some lumps on his back that his doctor wants to check out to make sure that they are not malignant.

Well, tomorrow Becca has a Grandparents day at her school so I am hoping that I feel well enough to go and that Kathleen can get up early enough to go as well.