Monday, April 28, 2008

We're Back!

Well it was quite the weekend; the weather was great and we had a good number of people from our class there and we had plenty of time to visit. It was also the furtherest that I have ventured out since my radiation treatments.

Friday night when we got there we took a stroll along the beach and then stopped by to have some dinner at the Chowder Bowl. Kathleen and I ordered a fish and chips and also a shrimp and chips dinner and split them so that we each got fish, shrimp and chips.

After we ate we went back and met with our class for games and visiting; I had decided to walk to the hall instead of taking the SUV so between the walk along the beach and the walk from the motel to the hall we were pretty tired.

I managed to get Kathleen a ride back to the motel with a couple who were smart enough to drive, I still did not realize how tired I was so I left early and walked back. I did not feel too bad that night but the next morning I was pretty worn out.

Saturday morning we had our breakfast at the motel, waffles, hard boiled eggs cinnamon rolls and fruit. Then we had our morning meeting and the afternoon free; we had kind of though about doing something like visit the Oregon Aquarium or something else, but we were both so tired we just kind of took naps until our evening meeting.

Then Sunday morning we had our breakfast at the motel again, checked out and then off to our meeting. Afterwards we had lunch and then cleaned up and off we went for home.

On the way back we stopped at the outlet mall Kathleen found some things that she liked, I found some things as well, but I decided not to get them as I really have too many shirts and shorts. I usually wind up wearing the same ones all the time anyway so I did not see any purpose in getting more.

We had a good ride home but could tell that the weather was starting to change. We got home about 1830 and I gave some thought to trying to mow the lawn as the weather was suppose to be wet the rest of the week. I soon let that thought pass as I realized just how tired I was, I could hardly stay awake.

This morning I thought that if I got outside early enough I could get the lawn mowed before the wetness set in. Unfortunately by the time I got up everything was already pretty wet; I am not sure if it actually rained or if it was just really heavy dew, but it was wet just the same.

Finally around 1030 I decided that I would try to mow as it was suppose to start raining again this afternoon. While I was mowing the front lawn I started to feel moisture on my face; it was not really rain but just a light drizzle so I kept mowing.

By the time I finished mowing it had stopped; I went inside and made myself some lunch. After a while I decided to go back outside and trim the dead wood out of the arborvitae as tomorrow is yard debris day and I had not put much of anything into the barrel.

Since it was still dry I decided to edge the front lawn with my electric edger. I got the front lawn done so I decided to try the back yard as well. After I finished that I put everything away and then pulled the grass out from along the back walkway.

Andrea, Toni and Brandon came over while I was doing that so I finished up the area that I was working on and then cleaned up and went in and visited for a while. Andrea had called earlier and said that they were coming over; I told her that she and Toni both had some mail at the house.

After they left I could hardly stay awake, and found myself dozing several times before I finally woke up enough around 1915 to check with Kathleen to see what she had planned for dinner. She made some O'Brien potatoes and ground beef which were really pretty good.

Well, I am about out of gas and I think that I need to get some shut eye so I am going to just say good night!

1 comment:

Sue Albert said...

I'm glad you had nice weather at the beach, It sounds like you had a really nice time.