Monday, April 07, 2008

More April Showers

I went to bed early last night so I got a pretty good nights sleep and I felt pretty good when I got up. I could tell by the way that the sky looked like that it was not going to be a good day to work outside. Even though it did not rain all day it was pretty blustery and in generally a nasty day.

I emptied the dish washer and then dried off a couple of roasting pans and put them away. After eating breakfast, reading the paper and the mail I washed a load of towels, dried, folded and put them away.

Andrea called around 1130 and we talked for a while; but she wanted to talk to Kathleen but since I had just been upstairs I knew that she was not up yet. So I told Andrea that I would have Kathleen call her when she got up.

After lunch I cut out coupons as I thought that we were going to go to Winco today. After cutting them out I filed them in my coupon folder weeding out the ones that had expired and putting the ones that I wanted to use at the store.

This afternoon I washed a load of white clothes, dried, folded and put them away. When it got to be about 1600 I realized that we were not going to make it to the store today. I was hoping to go to the credit union as I had a good size refund check to deposit but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow to do that.

During one of the drier spells I went outside and pulled some weeds along the east side of the house. That is one of the areas that I am trying to redo but it has taken me too long to get it finished. I am trying to get the grass dug up and plant some kind of low ground cover that will not require much maintenance or watering as it is a rather narrow strip and does not get any use except by the electric and gas meter readers.

Tonight I made a sun dried tomato and basil Gardenburger on dark rye. I added some mushroom slices and cheddar cheese and then toasted them to melt the cheese. Kathleen had the left-over bean and rice dish from last night. I did not have any as it did not agree with my system and I paid the price for it this morning.

Well, it has kind of been one of those days where I did not get a lot accomplished, but there have been more of these lately than I care to think about.

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