Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Anyone Ready for Spring?

I am more than ready for some nice calm dry weather; this rainy damp cool weather is starting to get to me. Today I started to go outside to work in the back yard, but what I wanted to do would have involved me being on the ground and after I got my tools and pad out and set the pad down I realized that I was too tired and the weather was too damp, so I picked everything up and went back into the house.

Kathleen had mentioned that her shower was draining slowly, so I got out the baking soda, salt and white vinegar and headed upstairs to pour the ingredients down the drain. I poured the baking soda and salt down first followed by the vinegar; the vinegar and baking soda react and cause a nice bubbling action while the salt acts as an abrasive and cleans the pipes. It is just as effective as commercial drain cleaners and it is very "earth friendly".

Kathleen took off around 1330 and shortly after that I went upstairs and took a nap. Little did I realize that my "little" nap would turn into almost four hours. I was still pretty tired but it was after 1800 and we needed to get to church as we were meeting with our candidate for our senior pastor position tonight.

Kathleen had picked up a Mexican pizza for dinner, but the beans did not make me feel comfortable especially after the problem I had with the taco soup we had this weekend. So I made myself something else.

We just got back from the meeting and it is after 2200 so I am pretty tired although without the nap I took I probably would not be able to be up now so it was probably a good thing that I slept as long as I did.


Sue Albert said...

I am interested in your drain cleaner. Is there a recipe? How do you know how much of each ingredient to pour down?

Hope you are feeling more rested today.

Bob Roush said...

Sue, here is the recipe that I have used with great success:

Pour 1 Cup of baking soda and 1/2 Cup of salt down the drain followed by 1 Cup of hot vinegar; I usually heat the vinegar in the microwave before adding to the drain.

Let this mixture sit in the drain for several hours, overnight is best, before flushing the drain with 2 cups of boiling water.

I use the baking soda that has been in the refrigerator to help clean the drains and that way I extend the use of something I otherwise would have just thrown away.

This also reminds me to change the baking soda in the refrigerator more regularly than I might otherwise.

All of the listed combinations are environmentally friendly, which will help concerns about chemical contamination, or even the risk associated with having chemicals in a home with children.

Using baking soda for these jobs can be friendly to your wallet too, especially if you recycle the boxes you use in the freezer or fridge when they are no longer as fresh.

I try to do this regularly as it keeps the drains running smoothly and keeps them smelling fresh and clean. If done regularly the salt is probably not necessary.

If the drains are not slow draining or plugged up you could eliminate the salt. The salt basically acts as an abrasive to chew up whatever is clogging the drain and clean the walls of the pipes.

You can use the same formula for the garbage disposal as well.

Kathleen said...

Thanks for not mentioning the 'rat' you found in the drain. I guess there is a down-side about having longer hair again. Everyone say "ewe" now.

It is my shower because it is too small for someone 6'2" to comfortably use it. Not making it larger when we were re-doing it is something I regret.

It's a good thing you are always so warm. When we redo the downstairs bathroom, I guess you will be taking refreshing, cold showers out in the back yard. We can hook something up to the hose for you. ...and, we do have that pump we got for a fountain.