Monday, November 19, 2007

Milder Monday

While today was much drier than it has been for the last three days, it was still wet today. Stan got here about 0830 and sanded the walls and ceiling and then textured them. I think it will look much better than it has in a long time.

After he finished the texturing of the walls and ceiling we worked on the wall tiling. Stan was putting the tile up while I tried to keep up with him cutting the tile. He was really able to go pretty quickly when he got to the whole tile sections. We were able to get one wall just about done and got a pretty good start on the other two walls.

We did not go any further on the one wall as we were not sure how high up Kathleen wanted to go so we stopped short. Kathleen was out with Alyssa and her children, so tomorrow we will be able to finish the first wall and most likely the other two as well.

We stopped where we did because we used all the mud and it was late enough that Stan did not want to mix any more. I was having trouble seeing where to make my cuts anyway, so I was glad to stop as well.

Stan left about 1730 and Kathleen got back around 1800, she had stopped off at Burgerville and picked up a couple burgers and shakes as she was too tired to cook. Well, it has been a pretty productive day; I am tired so I think that I will just say good night.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I bet it's really looking great and closer to being done evey day!!!