Monday, September 24, 2007

Mostly Mild Monday

This morning’s walk was pretty uneventful, I did pick up a couple bags of trash at the high school, but compared to Saturday's it was nothing. When I got home I made myself some shredded wheat, puffed rice and raisins. I put my dishes into the dishwasher when I finished and then went into the living room to read the paper.

After finishing the paper I went upstairs and gathered up the laundry and started the first of three loads. While the first load of laundry was in the washer the mail came, so I got it and opened it up...not much there other than a couple of magazines. Next I gathered up the trash, took it outside and then I went out and raked the leaves in the front lawn.

After I finished the front lawn, I went inside and put the first load into the dryer and then loaded the washer up again. Going back outside again I pruned the roses and dug out some tree suckers, by this time it was time to take the clothes out of the dryer and put the next load in and start up the last load in the washer. I folded the clothes and put them away and then went back downstairs and watered the gardens in the back yard and the veggies.

Kathleen left to take her SUV to John's to have the oil changed and do some running around with Andrea just after I came back into the house. I folded the next couple batches of laundry and then made myself some lunch.

I had a couple of the salmon biscuits and some yogurt and then went into the living room to read the magazines that came to day. Somewhere along the way I fell asleep and woke up when John called trying to get a hold of Andrea; so I called Kathleen and had her have Andrea call John.

Kathleen finally came home about 1830 and made a pot of rice and cut up an avocado and a couple tomatoes. I had some cold salmon with my dinner, but Kathleen was getting a little tired of the salmon, I am not, in fact I think I am going to have a salmon omelet for breakfast tomorrow.

Well, for a day that started out rather overcast and chilly it turned out to be a really, really nice day. Tomorrow Kathleen has an eye appointment so I will need to go along to drive afterwards, we still need to go grocery shopping, I was hoping to do that today, but it just did not happen. I think that is all I can think about, so I am just going to sign off and say good night.

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