Monday, September 10, 2007

Melting Monday

I knew that we were going to be in for a warm day when at 0600 as I was walking and before the sun came out I could feel the wind blowing hot across my face. I did have a good walk I even picked up three bags of trash at the high school. I did not walk yesterday, but I was really surprised at how much trash was there.

After eating my breakfast, I loaded the dishwasher, turned it on and then went outside to get a little work done before it got too hot. I pruned up the roses, dug up some tree suckers and then watered the roses, berries, hydrangeas and the impatiences. The hydrangeas and impatiences were looking almost dead, but after watering they started to come back to life.

Then I went into the house, and after cleaning up I read the paper and the mail. Then I made myself a salad for lunch and had a couple slices cold of delite pizza to go along with it. After eating I unloaded the dryer, folded the clothes and put it away. I also wound up doing four loads of laundry, Kathleen started the first load, but I wound up doing the rest.

After finishing the laundry I sat down and took a little nap. I missed getting a nap, as we were visiting friends and Kathleen did not think that I needed to leave to take a nap when I said that I did. By the time we got home, after 1800, it was too late to take a nap as I knew that I would not be able to go to sleep when I needed to.

Kathleen took off for a meeting tonight so I made a couple chicken salad pita's and had some macaroni salad and Cole slaw to go along with it. It was just too hot to have much of anything else other than salads.

Well, my naps were not enough to make up for missing yesterday, so I think that I will have an early bed. It has been cooling off pretty nicely at night, so I am hoping that even though the temperature was in the mid nineties today it should cool off to the fifties tonight.

I think that pretty much covers my day, so here is my good night.

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