Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday's Workings

I actually woke up and felt pretty good this morning; I guess that my body just needed a couple of days to rest up. When I first got down stairs, I turned the sprinkler on the front lawn and let it run for almost three hours. Then after the normal start to my morning I went out back and watered the roses and the berries.

After the ground was good and soaked I worked in the rose garden for a while and then I pulled ivy for about an hour. After going back inside, cleaning up and resting for a while I went for a walk. I had not even felt like taking a walk for the last few days, but this morning I actually felt like walking.

I only walked for about a half of an hour, and stopped and talked to two people along the way to break up my walk. I felt good to go out and walk and I wanted to make sure that I did not over do it today.

When I got back from my walk I made myself a Boca burger and had the rest of the potato salad for lunch. After I while I took a shower to wash all the dust and dirt off my body and also to get cleaned up for the desert that our class was having tonight. Our former pastor was in town and our class was having a get together so that they could visit with as many people as possible.

Anyway, Kathleen made some ravioli for dinner tonight and then we took off for the desert. We did not get back home until about 2100 and I am almost too tired to do this, but I though that I would give it a try and write something even if it were not a lot.

So this is it for tonight, good night!

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