Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday's Miseries

Well, after having my computer lock up on me five times and my not really being in the mood to fight it any longer I decided to log on using my laptop. I think that I will forgo everything that I had written in my other attempts and just give you my doctor's report.

He confirmed that part of my problem is "radiation proctitis", which is what I had suspected all along. The problem is that it is difficult to treat and is extremely resistant. He did a sigmoidoscopy on me, which hurt more than it normally would because the radiation caused a lot of scaring on my large intestine. He said that it looked irritated and was narrower than it should be because of all the scar tissue.

He wrote me a prescription for some suppositories that are suppose to relieve some of the soreness. He also referred me to a clinic that does colonoscopies, but I could not get an appointment until October 9th So until then I will not know anything more specific. Even though I am not particularly looking forward to the colonoscopy I would like to know what is wrong and to see if there is anything that can be done to improve my condition.

Well, I am tired, sore and frustrated so I think that I will just say good night.


Alyssa said...

I'm sorry you are still having problems from your radiation. Hopefully the October appointment will shed some light and offer some relief.

Sue Albert said...

We hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.