Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday with Winchester

Another wet morning, I am not complaining, which in itself is a little surprising because I usually like the weather warn and dry. Unfortunately it has been too dry here for the past several months.

Anyway, this morning was pretty much a normal morning, except we left for Doctor Winchester's office about 0945 for my 1000 appointment. Kathleen had to do down to the lab to get the stuff she needed to check on her kidney stones, to make sure that they were gone and to test to see what could be done to avoid them in the future.

I only waited in the waiting room when they called for me to draw some blood. I was expecting that they would just draw the blood and then send me back to the waiting room to wait for the doctor. Was I ever surprised when they told me to just wait there and the doctor would see me in a few minutes.

Doctor Winchester came in about ten minutes later and asked how I was feeling, so we talked about that for a couple minutes and then the nurse brought in my PSA results. He said that it was down to .24 which was down from .28 about three months ago, so that was good. At least it was headed in the downward direction and not going up again, which is good.

He wants to see me again in six months, so that is good, because it had been every three months. I just hope that in the next six months my PSA continues to drop.

We did a little shopping afterward and got home about 1400, so I made myself a salad for lunch. Since we left before the mail came, I opened the mail and looked at it while I ate. After lunch, I decided that since it has rained off and on for the last two days, I would take advantage of it loosening up the dirt on Kathleen's SUV.

I like to try and wash our vehicles while it is drizzling because the rain helps loosen the dirt and road grim so that I do not have to work so hard. I cannot remember when I last washed her car, but it had started to have a green slim form on the top and in the window scrubbers.

It took two washings to get it somewhat clean. The first washing was to knock out the heavy grim and than another one to get the grim residue off and actually down to paint. It looks much better than it has in at least a year.

Last year at this time I was trying to recover from my surgery and then Kathleen broke her arm and I spent what little energy I had taking her to physical therapy a couple times a week.

Then when she finished that, about a month later I started my radiation and I was not good for much of anything for three or four months. It has been pretty dry since the time I stopped going to radiation and this was the first time that I felt half-way decent in months.

By the time I finished washing her car and got cleaned up Kathleen was starting dinner, so there goes another day. For dinner Kathleen made something called Boo-sotto, it is a barley and ground turkey mixture with sautéed onions and chicken broth. It was really good.

Well, that was my day, have a good night!


Alyssa said...

Glad to hear your PSA is continuing to drop. Did your doc indicate that this will continue?

Anyway, I go to the urologist tomorrow about my kidney stone. Wish me luck!

Sue Albert said...

We are glad to hear your PSA is lower, and that you are feeling better.

That barley dish sounds really good. I have never heard of it.

Love to all,