Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday's Tasks

This morning about 0400 the alarm went off for my Wrangler, so I got up and used the remote to turn it off. Then about forty-five minutes later it went off again, so I got up again, shut it off and then turned the alarm off. I tried to go back to sleep, but there is just something about being awakened by an alarm that makes it a little hard to get back to sleep.

So I finally got up about 0530 since I could not get back to sleep. I went outside, got the paper, watered the fuchsia and then went to the back yard to water the vegetables, and herbs and then filled the bird bath. Since I was up and it was cool out, I decided to take myself for a walk.

I only walked about a mile and a half, given my morning problems; I really did not feel too comfortable going any further. So when I got home, I made myself an egg sandwich with a veggie sausage on a toasted English muffin. Not too bad!

After putting my breakfast dishes into the dishwasher and washing the frying pan, I brushed my tooth and decided to take another walk. This time I went for a longer walk, in fact I walked almost five miles between my two walks.

When I got home, I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down and read the paper and then the mail. When I got done I noticed the power company truck pause in front of our house, he did not stop, so I went outside after a while and saw that he was a couple houses down the road.

Being a little anxious about getting our house power sealed I walked to where the truck was and asked the fellow if he was here to check and seal the work done, at first he said no and then he checked his schedule and saw our address.

So he said, well I guess that I am, so he turned around and I went into the house to turn off my computer and then upstairs to turn off Kathleen's, but she was on it. She wanted to try out her auxiliary power supply so she left hers on.

Within about a half hour he was all done and our house is now legal once again. Then I went into the house and finished up my coffee. Once that was done, I went outside and edged the rose garden and the square rose garden. Then I went into the house and took a quick rest.

I had planned on mowing the lawn tomorrow, but it was nice and overcast this morning so I decided that I would mow it today while it was still nice and cool. So I mowed our front lawn, my neighbor's front and side lawn, and the driveway strip that goes along the west side of our property.

When I finished, I went into the house and got myself a nice big glass of water and a couple deep breaths, then I went back outside and set up my shredder/chipper and went to work on my pile of branches. I got thirty gallons of chips from the stacks of branches lying around and a thirty gallon garbage can filled with fir cones and walnut shells.

When I got done with the chips, I spread them out along the paths in the rose garden. By the time I finished, put everything away and cleaned up I noticed that it was 1645, so I had been working outside from about 1000.

I had not worked all that time, but a good portion of it. I surprisingly enough do not feel too bad having worked that long. My back is letting me know that I moved around a lot today, but it does not hurt much more than it normally does. I am really tired, but probably no more tired than I have been for the last week or two about this time.

Kathleen dug a couple Hungry Man TV dinners out of the freezer downstairs for dinner tonight. I have been after her to check and see what things we have down there that we can use and what things need to be thrown away.

I think she said that she threw away two or three things of meat that had been in there too long. I would rather throw it out so that we can use the space for things that we need to put in there and not have it full of things that we will never use.

Well, that pretty much covers my day; I hope that everyone had a good day and a good night.

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