Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the Thirteenth

I slept better last night, mostly because it cooled off pretty good. Last night after I blogged I decided that the downstairs carpets needed vacuuming, so I got out our trusty vacuum and went to work. It is amazing how much better they look when they are clean.

Not having Reggie, makes it so that I no longer need to vacuum at least once a day and so sometimes I only do it once or twice a week. I think that it had been closer to two weeks since I did it this last time, I just have not felt all that great or have been really worn out.

We also had quite the thunder and lightning display last night; I was outside talking to Toni on the phone looking at the lightning when all of a sudden it started to rain rather hard. It had be kind of drizzling for the whole time that I was outside, but it had really started coming down, so I went up on the front porch. I did not have as good a view, but at least I was staying dry.

It was nice that we had a little rain, if nothing else it helped clear the air. It had been really humid the last couple days, whereas earlier in the week it was really dry, so the rain was really refreshing. I just wish that there had been more of it.

Anyway Kathleen got up early this morning and made banana and blueberry pancakes for breakfast and we topped them off with blueberry syrup...yummy! It was a nice break from my every-other-day cereal or omelet routine.

Then after breakfast, I read the paper and then the mail when it came. Today I got my cancer magazine and my monthly portfolio statement...another good month. I am not sure how much longer it is going to last, but I am enjoying it while it does.

So I went on my computer and input the monthly data into my data base and plotted the results. This helps me keep track of each piece of the portfolio on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis so that I can decide which ones to keep and which ones are not performing as well as I need them to. I also keep track of them on line to catch trends as they begin to happen.

After doing that I decided that I needed to go outside and mow the lawn as it had been about two weeks since I last mowed it. It has just been so dry and this last week so hot that I wanted to give the grass a too!

When I finished and got cleaned up, I went upstairs and asked Kathleen if she were ready to go to the local True Value Hardware store, she had a couple of screens that she wanted fixed and I had a dead bolt door lock that I wanted them to look at. So we took off and spent about an hour and a half taking care of those things and then bought some more plants.

It was too warm when we got home to plant them, so I put them under the mountain ash in the shade so that they would not dry out so much. Since I had not eaten, I made myself a Cheese Whiz sandwich and had a bowl of cottage cheese. Then I went into the living room and looked over my cancer magazine.

Before I knew it Kathleen had come downstairs and made dinner... the salad from last night. She was going to make something else, but I suggested the salad as I was afraid that it would really get soggy if we did not have it again soon.

Well, that was our day; I hope that Friday the thirteenth was good to you. Good night and I will talk to you some more tomorrow!

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