Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stabilizing Saturday

Although I got up about 0630 this morning it was more of a normal day than I have had for a few days. After getting downstairs, I went out back just to see if my neighborhood raccoons were helping themselves to berries and apples. I did not see any so hopefully they will find another place to dine.

So after breakfast and reading the paper I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away and put my breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. Just as I started to go outside to work on the hedge again when the mail came, so I got the mail and the only thing that I kept was my stock market trades and the final visa bill for our laptop and Kathleen's printer.

We were able to buy it with no interest for four months, so that is why I put it on the card. We have been able to do that for a couple large ticket items that we were able to divide the payments into the number of free months offered and not have any interest owed.

Anyway, after going on line and paying the visa bill, I went outside and worked on the hedge for a little while. I talked to our new neighbor and told her that I would mow her lawn in a little bit. I have been doing it so long that it almost seems natural. I thought that I would do it until she can make arrangements to have it done.

She came out as I was finishing the front yard and said that her son would be over in a couple days to do the back yard. He only has a riding mower, so it is hard to do the newly planted areas without leaving deep trenches in the soft ground. So that is another reason that I have been mowing it.

After finishing up the front lawn, I took a couple swings around the perimeter to catch the areas that he could not get to with the riding mower. Then I went inside, cleaned up and made myself lunch. I just reheated the snapper and tater tots from last night, they did not taste any better, but no worse either.

After resting for a little while I decided that I needed to start walking again, so I asked Kathleen if she would mind if I went for a walk. She said no, so I put on my walking socks and shoes and took off. I only walked for about a mile for a couple reasons, one, I had not walked for a while and secondly, I did not want to be gone too long in case Kathleen needed something.

I watched a couple movies on the tube and around 1830 I decided that I would make something to eat. Kathleen had not felt very well today so I just micro waved a Boca burger and put it on some dark rye toast with an onion slice and a couple pickle slices and topped it off with some melted cheddar.

Kathleen came downstairs about 1900 and I told her that I made myself something to eat...she seemed rather relieved. Well to day was more of a normal day for me. I did not do a lot of yard work, as I did not want to get my allergies, asthma worked up. Well, I cannot think of anything else to say except, good night!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I spent about 2 hours in the vegetable garden today. The weeds are out of control. Actually between the weeds and the volunteer pumpkins and sunflowers, you can't really see much of what I planted. I made a pretty good dent in the weeds, but I'm going to need to weed like this again all week if I'm going to get it back into shape again. Yikes!