Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday's Findings

It must be the fact that the sun in up earlier or something because I seem to be waking up around 0630 on a regular basis now. Anyway, I did not need to get up and water this morning, but since I could not sleep anymore, I got up anyway.

After breakfast I read the paper and as I was finishing the paper the mail came, there really was not much there about all I kept was a refund check from the gas company and an Orvis fly fishing catalog.

After recycling the paper and the junk mail, I decided to wash the rugs in the downstairs bathroom. I had noticed that a couple of them had raspberry stains on them, but they needed to be washed before the raspberry stains got there. So I took them outside and shook them out and then put them into the washer.

While they were drying, I shook out and washed the new kitchen rugs. Kathleen had mentioned yesterday that they had gotten dirty, so while I was washing rugs, I thought that I might as well do them as well. I also washed the rugs in the hallway by the bathroom and between the dining room and the living room.

While the bathroom rugs were up, I swept the floor, it was not too dirty, but it was a good chance to sweep and get it a little cleaner. While I was in the cleaning mood, I decided to vacuum the kitchen floor and then the downstairs carpet.

When I finished the vacuuming the bathroom rugs were dry so I took them out and put them back down. Then I cleaned out the dryer filter and put the kitchen and hall rugs into the dryer.

Since it was not raining I decided to take the kitchen scraps out to the composter, and while I was out there I decided to deadhead the roses. I must have been out there longer than I thought because when I got back into the house the dryer had stopped. But the main reason that I stopped was that it had started to rain again and I was starting to get soaked.

After putting the rugs back down in the kitchen I decided that I would make myself a Boca burger. So I toasted some dark rye heels and put the burger on it along with a couple onion slices and some cheddar and heated it up in the toaster oven when the cheese had melted, I took it out and put on a couple pickle slices and added a small bowl of cottage cheese and that was my lunch.

Since it was raining more often than not I decided that I could not work outside, so taking a cue from Andrea, I decided that I would work on my office for a while this afternoon. I went through old bills from 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 and threw out the envelopes and filler that came with the bills. I filled up a paper bag half way with just that junk.

Next I put all four years into a shoe box and moved them upstairs with the other archived items. After that I cleaned off two of the chairs that I had been using to store things on. I now have three chairs where people can actually sit down in my!

Then I folded up some old software boxes, some of them were from Windows 95, so you know that they were old. I had about eight inches of folded cardboard when I finished. Next I moved some things around so that one can actually get into the room without following a path of stacked boxes and other things. I can even reach everything now without having to move something out of the way first. Thanks Andrea for the inspiration!

After all that "work" I decided to flip through my Orvis fly fishing catalog. Lots of nice stuff, too bad it all costs so much. By this time it was time for the O'Reilly factor so I watched that and then Hannity and Colmes. Since Kathleen was not feeling well today, I decided to make my own dinner, so I reheated the potatoes from last night and the flounder, not quite as good as last night, but not bad either.

Well, Kathleen just came downstairs, I think that she has only been down here about a half hour today. Well, I really cannot think of anything else to say except good night.


Sue Albert said...

Mom and I just got back from the Island. We drove out to the Montauk Point Lighthouse, then over to Sag Harbor. We took the scenic route back along the north shore.

While we were there, we went to a musical at the Gateway Playhouse, and took Fran Rotermund out to the chinese buffet for dinner.

We had lunch with the Regalmutos one day, and had our little spins around the Bellport Dock. It is always a nice trip. Traffic was pretty bad in the city, but that is nothing new.

Love to all,

Bob Roush said...

I am glad that you made it back home safely. Where did you and Mom stay while you were on the island?

Sue Albert said...

We stay at a Residence Inn off of North Ocean Ave. That way, we can come and go as we please, go to bed when we please, etc.

It is very nice. Breakfast is included every day, and dinner is included 4 nights / week.