Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sanguine Sunday

Well, let me see if I remember how to do this blog thing. I decided to take a few days off while at the beach and then when we got back Friday I was really worn out so I thought that I would forgo doing the blog for another day.

Then yesterday, I worked out in the yard and mowed the whole yard and my neighbor's front lawn and was ready to take a nap when Kathleen came out and said that we were invited to Aaron and Tami's for dinner.

So I cleaned up and off we went. They had just bought a wrought iron gazebo and a round steel and plastic picnic table so I helped them put it together as well as played fetch with Archie for a while.

Tami started to barbecue some chicken, but ran out of propane, so she finished it in the house. By the time we finished dinner, I could hardly keep my head off the table.

When we finally got home I was too tired to even think about doing a blog, so here we are today, and I am still tired, but nothing like what I was like the past two days. It has been a pretty lazy day, but every time I do something, I get this way.

Today Alyssa and Dan had Hayden dedicated at their church so we went and stood on the platform with them along with Dan's parents. Then after the service, one of my friends and her husband came up and talked to us for quite a while.

After we left the church we stopped at Lowe's to look at a picnic table, but it was too light weight for us. So after Kathleen got done looking at the flowers and taking pictures of a humming bird, we finally left for home.

I finished off the couple slices of pizza from Friday night, so we actually had it for three meals, not too bad. Anyway, after a little while we took off for Costco to take advantage of some of their coupons that were expiring today.

We have been putting it off for about a week, because we were just too tired, so today we ran out of tomorrows so we had to go. I probably would have been better off taking a nap, but there were some things that we needed, so off we went.

Then tonight I had some chicken gumbo soup and added some of the left over wild rice from earlier in the week. The extra rice really made it nice and thick, just the way I like it. The best gumbo that I ever had was while I was down south, boy was that ever good.

Well, that is about all I can think of today, I am tired, but it is a good tired. So I think that I will just say good night, and see you tomorrow!


Alyssa said...

So glad that you could make it to Hayden's dedication. That really means a lot to us.

The only chicken gumbo I have ever had was at Disneyland in New Orleans square...served in a bread bowl. I think I ordered it 2-3 times on our second trip there (before kids). It was so yummy.

Sue Albert said...

Is this Campbell's Chicken Gumbo? Just wondering if there is another source I can try.

Sounds like you had a nice few days. We went to Chittenango Falls for a picnic/cookout with Jeremy's family on Saturday. Even Mom took a walk down to the Falls. The walk back up was very difficult, but she made it! I am having a cookout here today. I think I will make shish kebobs with rice and corn-on-the cob.

It was in the very high 80's/low 90's for a couple of days last week, so we are glad that the past few days have been in the mid-70's. That is perfect for me, especially for working around the yard.

Love to all,