Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Tenious Tuesday

Looking back I probably should not have made the chili yesterday. Not only was I up a good portion of last night it continued on through today, and while it has slowed down a little, I still am not back to "normal".

Anyway, after getting up this morning I had breakfast and emptied the dishwasher before going into the living room to read the paper and the mail. I went out to bring the garbage can back from the front after the pickup and then again to gather up the recycling box after the recycling truck picked up our plastic, metal and plastic recycling.

I did wander outside a coupe other times, but the weather kept threatening to rain although most of the day it was just a drizzle, not even enough to get the driveway wet. It was just nasty enough that I did not feel like doing anything outside so I vacuumed the downstairs.

Beside the weather, I just did not feel very good, so I sat around most of the day. Around 1300 I made myself some lunch consisting of some roast beef slices Limburger cheese, some dill pickle slices and some horse radish and made a sandwich out of some harvest bread.

I took a nap again today about 1330 until about 1530, I did feel a little better, but the chili was still playing with me. Kathleen heated up some Tatar tots and we had the left over salmon and salads from the deli. There still is enough salmon and salads left over for another meal, maybe tomorrow's lunch.

Well, today has been a rather unproductive day, I think I will just say good night and officially call it a day.

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