Monday, April 30, 2007

Moderate Monday

I got up a little earlier than I had planned to this morning as my head was full of mucus and I was having trouble breathing. I took a couple Sudafed when I got up and it helped to clear it up a little. After breakfast, I read the paper and then went out front to pull some weeds in the area on the east side of the driveway.

There are so many bulbs there that it was hard to get to the base of the weeds, so I just kind of pulled from as far down as I could get. While I was doing that the mail came so I went inside and read the mail.

By this time it was getting close to the time for lunch so I made a couple burritos out of the hamburger, rice and tomato mix from the other night. After resting for a little bit I went outside and watered the grass seeds that I planted the other day and then went to pull some weeds at the back of the house.

The weeds and the Italian prune seedlings were really getting a hold on the back side of the rose garden. The seedlings are from last years prunes, but this should be the last year that I have this problem as the tree is now gone.

After weeding for a couple hours, I got really tired, so I put all my tools away, cleaned up and went upstairs to take a nap. I slept until a little after 1700; Kathleen was just getting ready to go to the library to return some books and pick up some she had on hold. I was still too groggy to get ready to go in time, so she took off.

While she was out, she also stopped by the grocery store where she meet up with Andrea, Brandon and Toni. Kathleen finally came home a little after 1900 and since it was so late she just opened up a couple cans of soup for dinner.

Well, the weather is about to change to more moisture, today was the last of the nice weather for a couple days, so I wanted to get as much done outside as I could. Unfortunately I just do not have the energy to do what needs to get done. I would have liked to mow the front yard, before the rain, but ran out of energy.

Maybe if the rain holds off until late morning or early afternoon, I will be able to do it then. I would like to use the reel mower rather than the Honda, because I will not disturb the grass seed as much.

Well, I can not think of anything else to write about, so I will just say good night.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Glad you got outside to do your yard work. I've been out for the past couple days pulling weeds and grass and trimming bushes. I think I've hauled away 6-7 wheelbarrow loads to our burn pile just in the last 2 days. I also started the process of getting the pool up and running again. Today I put the "vacuum" into the pool to clean up the debris on the bottom. I had to empty the filter 3 times already and I'm sure it will be full again by tomorrow. It felt good to get out in the yard, especially knowing that it will rain tomorrow.