Monday, April 16, 2007

Mild Monday

I did not sleep as well last night as the previous couple of nights, but at 0730 I needed to get up as I had my doctor's appointment this morning, so even though I was not as rested as I would have liked to have been I got up. This morning I just had time to eat breakfast and do a load of towels before getting ready for my doctor's appointment.

They were not going to do a PSA test when I first got there, but after talking to the nurse for a while I think I talked them into it. So I had to wait an extra half hour to get the test results back and talk to the doctor. This time the PSA came back at .28, which was a little a little lower than it was back in January when it was .29.

This PSA test used a different method than the one I had a couple weeks ago, the doctor tried to explain it, but even he was not sure what the real difference was. So while the new was not great at least it was not any worse than it was a couple weeks ago. The doctor also recommended that we just wait and see what the next PSA test shows.

So he scheduled me for another appointment and PSA test for July 17th. He also told me that if it did not get any better he would recommend that I see a medical/oncologist that he felt was one of the best around, he is up at OSHU and is suppose to be working on some new processes.

After the doctor's appointment we stopped at the credit union to deposit some checks and then we went to Home Depot to pick up some grass seed and Scott's Turf Builder plus moss control to work on getting the lawn in better shape after a couple decades of dogs running around the back yard.

By the time we were done there Kathleen suggested that we stop at Burger King and get something to eat. So Kathleen had a junior whopper with cheese and a small shake and some cheese things and I had a junior whopper and a small shake. All the items were off the value menu except for the cheese things, so the shakes and burgers were only a buck a piece.

When we got home I unloaded the SUV and put the lawn products in the garage and then crashed. Andrea called and wanted to come over to do her taxes, so she came over with Brandon and did her taxes.

After she left I asked Kathleen about dinner, she did not feel like doing much so I found a couple Mexican dinners in the freezer and that is what we had. Well, I am extremely tired, so I think that I well say good night!

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