Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday Sunshine

Well, I finally decided to get up around 0800 this morning, after spending most of the night getting up and going to the bathroom. I quit counting how often I got up, but I think that after 0500 in the morning I finally got to sleep for three hours before getting up. I think that the longest that I had slept before that was maybe twenty minutes.

Once up and dressed, I made myself some toast and emptied the dishwasher that I did not get to do last night. Then I sat down and enjoyed my English muffin bread toast with peanut butter and Smacker’s all fruit. Then I loaded the dishwasher up with the dishes from last night's dinner and my plate from this morning.

After reading the paper, I decided to take the garbage out; while I was outside I thought that I would enjoy some fresh air, so I stayed out for a while. I moved the fence around the large rose bed in the back of the house because it would make it easier when I mow.

Then I dug out a couple blackberry bushes that had started to spring up under my Japanese maple. While I was walking around the yard, I noticed that the lawn was starting to grow more in some spots than in others, so I thought that I would get the old lawnmower out and even everything up.

When I finished the mowing, I could feel that I was really tired, as you can tell, I am not in the best of shape, mostly from inactivity, but I also have lost a lot of my stomach muscles from my surgery.

Once inside and cleaned up, I sat down in my chair; Kathleen asked if I would like some pancakes for lunch. I sounded okay to me, and since I did not have a lot of energy at this point it was a good idea as far as I was concerned.

After eating I went back to my chair, but after twenty minutes or so I decided that I would be better off going to bed and actually going to sleep. So even though I am not much of a formal nap person, I went to bed and slept from about 1500 until about 1700.

Once up I decided that the clothes that I had worn outside probably should be washed, so I got some clean shorts and tee shirt out and sorted the clothes for the washing machine. I left it upstairs and told Kathleen to add her cloths to the bags.

Kathleen finally came downstairs dressed, so I went upstairs and brought the laundry downstairs. Kathleen made some tomato soup and melted cheese sandwiches for dinner, so after eating I put the dishes into the dishwasher and started it up. Then I loaded the dark clothes into the washer and that is where they are now.

Well, the washer just went off, so I think that I will say good night and transfer the clothes to the dryer. I am hoping that I can get a little more sleep tonight than I did last night.


Alyssa said...

I didn't get much sleep last night as Natalie came in our room around 3 am and threw up on our floor. Then Dan and I spent some time cleaning up the floor and washing towels and bedding. She is doing much better this morning, but I am keeping her home from school, just in case.

Bob Roush said...

I am sorry to hear that you did not get very much sleep last night. I finally got a pretty decent night's sleep last night.

I hope Natalie gets to feeling better, and that you both can get some sleep tonight.

I remember nights like that though and they were not much fun then either. Try to take a nap our at least take it easy today.