Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, this will be a short one today, I got up about the same time as I have been lately and after spending some time on the computer I had a quartered an apple, an orange, a banana and had a couple left over scones that Kathleen made the other day for breakfast.

Then I cleaned up the pans that Kathleen made the cinnamon rolls in last night. Then I loaded up the dishwasher and started it up. After reading the paper, I decided to go outside while it was still fairly nice out and cut down a butterfly "tree" and dig out a couple of blackberry bushes that I had noticed the other day.

Before I got finished, it had started to rain, so I finished chopping up the branches that I had fallen and decided to stop for the day. Kathleen was up when I got inside and was putting the finishing touches on the cinnamon rolls and then went upstairs to get ready to go.

So I went upstairs, cleaned up, and even put on some long pants. It is not that it was that cold, but everyone seems to feel cold when I am wearing shorts. We arrived at Aerts a little before noon and were the first ones there; usually we are one of the last ones to get there.

We all had a good time and finally left about 1800, I was more than ready to go, but Kathleen was in the middle of a card game and I guess that it took longer than they thought.

Well, I am too tired to get into any mischief tonight, so I will just say good night for now!

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