Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday's Saga

I got up a little before 0700 this morning, I could have slept in longer, but I knew that I had to get up to shower and get ready for church. After my shower, I let Reggie out and made coffee and toast for myself for breakfast.

I got dressed and waited for Kathleen to get ready and we left the house a little after 0830. All the front parking spots were taken when we got there, so I dropped Kathleen off and went around to the back parking lot.

After church and Sunday School, we went home to grab a bit to eat and then off to Natalie’s “princess” birthday party. Alyssa had the outside of the house looking like a castle and the inside as well. Natalie had several her girlfriends there as well as Becca, Lexis, Toni and Chucky were also there. Andrea arrived a while later, but could only stay a short time as she had to go to work.

Alyssa had made all kind of decorations, crafts and things for the girls and they were all dressed up as little princesses. I think that everyone had a really good time and I am sure that Alyssa will sleep well tonight. I do not envy her having to clean up after everyone leaves.

The party got over a little after 1700 and we stayed a little while longer, but we were home around 1830. I did stop and get some gas while we were out, the tank still was about a third full, but in the wintertime, I like to keep the tank as full as possible.

I think that I will just say good night now, as I am too tired to think about writing any more. So, good night!

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