Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Two

I got up a little earlier than I probably should have this morning as Kathleen had said that she wanted to go to a couple stores this morning before we went to Aaron and Tami's for Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately she did not get to sleep well until about 0700, so we wound up not going shopping.

I also was suppose to meet the guys from the accountability group this morning for breakfast, but since I thought that Kathleen and I were going to go shopping, I did not make that either. So I wound up making myself some frosted mini-wheats and banana for breakfast.

After I ate I emptied the dishwasher and then did the roasting pans and other large dishes that did not fit into the dishwasher last night. Then it was time to hit the paper, it was not as thick as yesterdays, but it still was pretty good size.

The mail came about the time I finished the paper, so I opened it, mostly junk mail, but a couple bill and a few catalogs. I recycled the paper junk mail and then took the glass jars, cans and plastic bottles out to the garage to put them into the respective recycling bins.

When I got back into the house I went to my office and logged on to the credit union site so that I could pay the bills that arrived today. Then while I was thinking about it I opened up Quicken, subtracted them from the checking account, and then backed up the account.

Shortly after I finished with that it was getting close to the time to leave for Aaron and Tami's house. So I loaded up the ingredients in a large bag and loaded it into the Acura.

We had a really good time, Toni and Chucky got there late, as Chucky had to work. Then we had a really good meal, thanks everyone, and then shortly after that Andrea had to leave for work. Some of the adults played some games and I helped Tami clean up the kitchen and loaded up the dishwasher. Then I sat down and joined in on the conversations that were going on in the living room.

Before I knew it the dishes were done, so I put them away and then loaded up the dishwasher again. I did not quite fill it up, but when I finished loading all dishes into the dishwasher that I could, I did some of the pots, pans and larger items that would not fit into the dishwasher.

Then I sat back down in the living room and waited for the current game to get over so that Kathleen and I could go home. I think that most of the grandchildren were getting a little tired and I knew that Aaron and Tami would be going to Tami's parents for dinner tomorrow and that they probably needed to finish cleaning up and putting their girls to bed.

So here I am after two Thanksgiving dinners. I think that is all for this year. Next comes the Christmas meals. I think I will have to start wearing suspenders with my shorts.

I think that is it for tonight, so good night for today.

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