Monday, October 23, 2006

Miserable Monday

I got up at about 0700 tins morning, I was having trouble breathing and I was not sleeping too well either, so I thought that I might as well get up. I was still pretty tired, but I was not able to get back to sleep either.

I made myself a ham and cheese omelet (made with some egg whites that Kathleen had use the yokes), and some multi-grain raisin, walnut toast and some tea. After I finished eating, I did lots of hand wash pots and pans. Then I went into the living room and read the paper. I took a couple antihistamines to try to get my head cleared up and they really made me groggy.

Kathleen had an appointment at Epic Imaging at 1145 and I had planned to go with her, but I was too light headed and thought that it would be better if I did not drive, so she took herself. While she was gone I vacuumed the downstairs carpeting and then dozed a couple of times in the chair and felt better, but still very lightheaded.

I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich with the left over ham from the men's breakfast and some provolone cheese. I tasted good, but I did not have much energy. When Kathleen came downstairs I asked her if she would be interested in helping me clean out the junk draw in the kitchen. She said okay, so we did, it took about two and a half hours, but it looks so much better.

We threw out lots of bread ties, advertising magnets, plastic utensils, straws, and too many other things to mention. Kathleen said that the draw feel so much lighter, but I think that it was just that before there was so much "stuff" in the draw that it would bind up and prevent the draw from closing easily.

Kathleen heated up the rest of the roast and nuked a couple of potatoes for dinner tonight. Kathleen did not finish all of her roast but so far we got four meals out of it. I think that I feel more wide-awake now than I have all day, I still do not feel great, but much better than I have in the last two days.

Well, I think that this is all for today, good night.

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