Saturday, October 21, 2006

Men's Breakfast

I got up at 0600 this morning, as I had to be at church by 0700 to clean up the kitchen and start the breakfast. I finished about 1100 and felt pretty good. However, by the time I got home I started to feel really tired and sleepy.

Before I knew it, my throat was starting to get that feeling that it was going to be getting sore before too much longer. I made myself some lunch and hoped that that would help me feel better, but no such luck.

After I finished reading the paper, I really thought about going outside and doing some work as it was such a beautiful fall day. I probably would have done that last year, but for some reason I decided that I should stay inside and work on getting better.

Once I resolved to the fact that I was stuck inside I decide that it would be a good idea to sort out some of the things that had been gathering in and on one of the bookshelves in my office. I managed to clean off the top of the bookshelf and four of the other shelves.

Then came the sorting of the stuff that I removed. I wound up with a full paper grocery bag full of old magazines and just things that I was saving at one time for some reason or another. The reason for keeping it had long passed or at least I could not remember what it was, so it was history.

If I do not feel any better tomorrow, I will probably work on the last shelf and then start one of the spare desks that I have in here. There are three desks in here and I only use one for a desk. The other two just kind of are a place to store things I am not sure what to do with. Now that I have some "free" time, I think that I had better put it to good use, before it is too late.

Who knows, I may even go upstairs and clean up my fly tying room, so that I can use it for fly tying, wouldn't that be shocking! Right now, I have so much "stuff" on the tying table that I could not begin to tie a fly if my life depended on it.

Well, I got a little done today, not what I would have liked to get done, but some things that have needed doing for a long time. I think I will take something to help me sleep, like NightQuil, and call it a day. So goon night!


Bob Roush said...

Good morning! I do not feel any better, but I also do not feel any worse. Getting good nights sleep helped, but I did not get a really good nights sleep.

I have been taking vitamin "C"; I usually do, especially during the winter months. I am also drinking hot honey and lemon juice as well as Organic Echinacea Elder tea.

It feels good as I am drinking it, but it does not last too long. I think it is either a cold or an allergic reaction to something. I have not had it long enough to make a determination yet.

It may seem like I am getting a lot done, but I still have so much more to do.

As far as being retired, I am not working for pay anymore, but I think that I am still working. I still am not sure if I want to find another job at this point in time.

Give my love to Mom!

Bob Roush said...

Thank you for responding to my posts. I would like these to be more interactive and not just me rambling on, so asking questions or commenting on a post is helping make this more of a conversation rather than a monologue.