Monday, September 25, 2006

Nice Day!

I did not plan it, but I got several things done that I have been meaning to do for a long time. Andrea picked up Kathleen about 1000 to so that Kathleen could go with her to her doctor's appointment. Then they went out to lunch and then to Fabric Depot/Montivilla Sewing to see the Phaff trailer. They did not get back until about 1530 so that gave me a good part of the day to get things done.

First, I emptied out the compost barrel and put in into the compost bin. Then I took out the compost and started a new mix. I went back into the house, vacuumed the downstairs, and cleaned up the kitchen.

I decided that if I did not oil the other chair this week I probably would not get it done this year. So I went outside and did the bottom of the chair. I went back inside and made myself lunch. By now, the chair had dried enough to turn it over and do the top side.

I also raked the front lawn and gathered all the inside trash containers and filled up the garbage can. I also gathered up the recycling and put it into the proper containers.

It may not seem like a lot, but I got several things done that I needed to do. I do not feel too tired right now, which is a good thing. I just have to learn to pace myself and not take some breaks between doing things.

Well tomorrow Kathleen has a doctor's appointment at 1045 tomorrow morning and a physical therapy appointment at 1300, so tomorrow should be a very interesting day.


Alyssa said...

Sounds to me like you got a lot done today. Doesn't it feel good? I had a busy day as well, but didn't get much done...After school, Natalie had Skye over for lunch and to play. I had to put out a few fires and patch up a few's enough to wear a mom out! We also played Candyland, so I had to be the referee for that. Then we made cookies and watched Beauty and the Beast. After Skye left we had dinner, homework, playtime and bed...The kitchen is a mess now and I am too tired to clean it (why did I bother cleaning this morning?)

At any rate, are you still coming over for dinner tomorrow night? I'll call to confirm.


Bob Roush said...

I cannot answer that right now. It depends on how your mother feels after her doctor's appointment and physical therapy appointment.

I never know about how she will feel until afterwards. Sometimes she feels just fine, other times she just wants to get drugged up, and that puts her to sleep.

Call her about 1530 (3:30), she may have an idea by then.