After breakfast, I looked for and found my tin snips so that I could put a patch on the roof. I found them and then got the old wooden ladder out and set it up on the side of the house. Then I got the piece of aluminum and cut it up to fit on the roof. Now I just have to wait until it rains to see if the patch works. If it does, I will have to make it a permanent patch, right now it is just in there temporarily.
After that, I picked up the walnuts and then mowed the lawn. I was pretty worn out so I took a break and got a 32 ounce jug of ice water and went and sat out on the front porch for a while.
While sitting there I noticed that the hedge really needed to be trimmed. So I got out my hedge sheers and started whacking away at it. I had been using the electric hedge trimmers lately and this time I decided to use the manual ones as they really do a better job, although they are much more labor intensive.
Somewhere between mowing the lawn and trimming the hedge both my hip and shoulders were really bothering me. I am not sure about the hip, but the shoulder I am pretty sure is bursitis, (I think I need to take some more Advil.) So I finished picking up the clippings and put them in the recycling bin.
I sat on the front porch some more and drank more water. After a while, I noticed that I was getting a little hungry so I went inside, made myself a grill cheese sandwich, and had a few chips.
Knowing that I needed to clean up and sand down the planting bench I decided to do that. I hosed off most of the crud and than took a nylon 3M pad and got the finish to the point where I could oil it. I will have to wait until tomorrow or Monday so that it will completey dry out.
Not wanting to go inside yet I decided to straighten up the junk pile under the apple tree. I through out a bunch of old plastic flower pots and several plant trays. It does not look great yet, but it is much better than it was before. I also threw away some of the junk that had been collecting by the outside garage door.
I was pretty filthy so I got the hose out to dust myself off before going into the house. While doing that I decided to clean out the bird bath and refill it. I went inside and got another 32 ounces of water. I sat down for a while, drank the water, and then checked with Kathleen to see what she wanted to do for dinner. We had some black beans and I cut up a couple chicken and cheese sausages to go with it. It was not bad, and there is a little left over for a snack tomorrow.
Well, that is just about it for today, I am tired, but I fell that I got quite a lot done. Now it is time to say good night!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday and I am ready for a day of rest
Friday, September 29, 2006
I made myself some blueberry waffles and Morningstar sausages this morning for breakfast. It must have smelt pretty good as Kathleen came down while I was eating and said that she smelled blueberries, so she had some waffles as well. She is more into regular sausages than soy ones so she cooked up some of those for herself.
I chopped out some of the ivy vine roots, some of them were two inches in diameter, healthy ivy. I also cleaned off my planting bench so that I could oil it before the rain sets in.
Between both these activities, I got pretty dirty so I went inside to clean up as Kathleen had a physical therapy appointment today at 1300. I did not have time to eat lunch so I grabbed a Cliff bar and off we went.
Kathleen did well with her physical therapy and even did her stretching with out tears!! She finished up a little after 1500; it seems that her hour and a half appointments are becoming more and more like two-hour appointments.
We headed out to G I Joe's to return something that Kathleen bought earlier in the month. While I did that Kathleen went to Oregon Craft Warehouse. I joined her there, waited around for about twenty minutes, and then finally told Kathleen that I would wait outside for her. I waited out there fore another half hour until she finished.
We were going to go to Wal-Mart as well to pick up some pills for Kathleen. Since it was already almost 1700, I decided to skip Wal-Mart for today, as I was not only tired but also hungry. That Cliff bar did not quite do it for me.
So I guess that is about it for tonight. Have a great weekend and good night!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Another somewhat productive day
I had breakfast and then decided to finish the dishes from last night; Kathleen still was not up so I read the paper. She had gotten a couple phone calls that she needed to return so I woke her up a little after 0900. We had a couple frying pans on the stove and a couple other hand wash things so I washed them.
Kathleen did not feel like going anywhere today so I went outside, did some edging, and pulled out some more of the violets from one of the back gardens.
It was starting to get warm in the sun so I went inside and vacuumed the downstairs. By this time, I was starting to get hungry so I made myself some lunch. Kathleen was upstairs talking on the phone, so when I finished eating I went out to the front yard and did some edging to the garden in front oft the house. I also decided that I needed to rake the leaves from the front lawn, so I got the rake and started raking.
While I was doing that, I talked to one of the guys that was doing some work next door. They were taking the aluminum siding that they had taken off to the recyclers. I asked them if they wanted some steel and he said sure, so I got rid of the old barbeque and the frame for the futon that we had bought for Toni several years ago, but had gotten bent and was not good enough to keep for using.
So I was able to get rid of a couple of items that I was not sure how I was going to get rid of. After I got that all hauled over there I put some fertilizer on the blueberries and strawberries earlier in the day so I watered that in.
About that time, I was starting to get hungry so I suggested to Kathleen that we use some of the left over mashed potatoes, the cube steak that we bought the other day and the green beans that Kathleen and Andrea bought at Rossi farm last week.
We still had about half the mashed potatoes left over and a little bit of the green beans, so I will probable make that for lunch one of these days.
After dinner I put all the left overs in containers and put them in the fridge. I also loaded up the dishwasher and started it. There were several hand wash items so I washed them as well. So now, the kitchen is semi-clean and I am ready to go to sleep.
Kathleen has still been really emotional again today, she does not know why and neither do I. She had a meeting tonight so I have been able to just take it easy and rest up. So I guess that I will just say good night.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
It has felt like Friday today!
I guess that one of the problems with not working or going to school, is that one tends to loose track of what day of the week it is...not that it really matters much anymore. I just have to remember where I need to take Kathleen that day when I wake up.
Today it was a new place to try to get a device to straighten out her elbow. It was mostly filling out forms, an interview and taking some measurements. We got home about noon, Kathleen finished her breakfast, and I made myself something to eat for lunch.
I was hoping to go to Costco right after that, but Kathleen needed to rest for a bit. I dinked around for as long as I could and then finally changed my clothes and got the ladder out so that I could clean the fir needles off the valleys in the roof.
We got Leaf Guard gutters last winter that make it so that I do not have to clean out the gutters eight or ten times a year, but I still need to get the needles out of the valleys. I guess that is one of the problems with living under several huge fir trees. Oh well, they do provide some really nice shade in the summer time, but the rest of the year they are really a pain.
It seem like they are always dropping something, whether it be pollen pods, needles, fir cones or sometimes-huge breaches.
We finally got off to Costco about 1500; Kathleen needed to take back a couple photo albums she bought the last time we were there. I guess some of the pages were not up to par. I needed to get some vitamins and Kathleen found a couple other things that she wanted. We also stopped at the new Costco gas station and got gas, it seems to be a little cheaper than the other gas stations...and I am all for saving money.
Well, I am writing this early tonight as I am meeting with the accountability guys and I probably will not feel much like writing when I get home. I cannot think of anything else exciting to write home about so I guess I will just say, good night.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Full Day!
Today was a busy day! Kathleen had her doctor's appointment at 1045 and the break looks like it is still progressing as expected. He did suggest that she get some kind of elbow extender, something that will help force the arm to straighten out. From what I understand, it is adjustable so that the wearer can make minor adjustments to finally get the arm straight. He thought that the physical therapy office could do it.
Well, when we got to the physical therapy office they told us that they do not do that. Kathleen's physical therapist did some checking and found a place just down the hallway that did it. Her physical therapy went pretty well today, but she is still pretty emotionally drained and the tears come at the drop of a hat.
Anyway, she finished physical therapy a little after 1500, so we walked down the hall to see about the device that the doctor recommended. They had to order one so we need to go back at 1000 tomorrow.
So off to Winco to do some grocery shopping, we had not really gone grocery shopping in about ten days, so it took about an hour and a half. By the time we got home and got things put away, it was 1730. Kathleen was crashing and took about an hour and a half nap on the couch.
I was getting hungry so I fixed a couple of cans of chili and woke Kathleen up. It is a good thing that we had called Alyssa earlier and said that we would not be going to her place tonight. I was pretty worn out myself, it was not from doing anything, but from just sitting around waiting for Kathleen's Doctor's appointment, physical therapy appointment, the other place and then grocery shopping.
So I guess that I am about ready to call it a day and good night!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Nice Day!
I did not plan it, but I got several things done that I have been meaning to do for a long time. Andrea picked up Kathleen about 1000 to so that Kathleen could go with her to her doctor's appointment. Then they went out to lunch and then to Fabric Depot/Montivilla Sewing to see the Phaff trailer. They did not get back until about 1530 so that gave me a good part of the day to get things done.
First, I emptied out the compost barrel and put in into the compost bin. Then I took out the compost and started a new mix. I went back into the house, vacuumed the downstairs, and cleaned up the kitchen.
I decided that if I did not oil the other chair this week I probably would not get it done this year. So I went outside and did the bottom of the chair. I went back inside and made myself lunch. By now, the chair had dried enough to turn it over and do the top side.
I also raked the front lawn and gathered all the inside trash containers and filled up the garbage can. I also gathered up the recycling and put it into the proper containers.
It may not seem like a lot, but I got several things done that I needed to do. I do not feel too tired right now, which is a good thing. I just have to learn to pace myself and not take some breaks between doing things.
Well tomorrow Kathleen has a doctor's appointment at 1045 tomorrow morning and a physical therapy appointment at 1300, so tomorrow should be a very interesting day.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Today the bottom fell out!
I awoke about 0300 this morning and never really got fully back to sleep. I think I must have dozed off a little but every time I looked at the clock it was only thirty minutes since the last time I looked, so if I did sleep it was in really short catnaps.
I finally got up about 0645 and went downstairs to take my morning shower that must have awakened me just a little. I got dressed, made myself some raisin/nut toast, and had a glass of juice.
About 0800, I went upstairs to see if Kathleen was planning on going to church. She said that she wanted to; she even got dressed. She came downstairs about 0830 and while standing in the kitchen she said that she just could not do it. Well, I had been sitting long enough that I decided that I did not really have the energy to go myself. It was about fifteen minutes past the start of church and by the time I would have gotten there the service would have been about half over.
I am glad that I did not go this morning, as by 1500 I could not stay awake any longer, so I went to bed and slept for a couple hours. I feel a little better, but I still need a good nights sleep. I think it will be an early lights out tonight. That is one reason that I am writing this early today.
I did manage to water the houseplants and change the water in the beta's globe, but I really did not get much of anything else done today.
Well, I have a load of laundry in the washer and another one in the dryer that is just about ready to take out and fold so I think that I will just say good night now and if anything really exciting happens between now and when I finally crash for the night I will add another post.
Question for Aunt Sue
"After dinner, we went out for gelato. Mom had peach, I had amaretto, Jeff had tiramisu, Jen had peanut butter fudge, Jeremy and Bill had pumkin pie. The cones are homemade, so it is a delicious dessert. (Not quite as good as Katarina's Tartufo, though)!!!"
Did you ever find these (Katarina's Tartufo) anywhere besides that Italian restaurant we went to? Those were amazing. Probably the best dessert I've ever had! I looked on-line but only found a restaurant listed as Katarina's Tartufo. Hmmm...
Very interesting about the wheel chair. I worked in a pharmacy for 6 years and we had to deal with a lot of people with disabilities. Some more awkward than, how do you give change to someone with only 3 fingers? Sounds like Jennifer is doing great in school.
Hugs to all,
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I think I accomplished quite a lot today!
I woke up to a really nice day, so I got up and made breakfast and then emptied the dishwasher. After reading the paper, I put the towels in the dryer that I just washed.
I did not want to waste such a nice dry day, so I went outside and pulled more of the ivy off the fir trees. I now have it all the fir trees free of ivy at least up to about seven feet. I did not feel ambitious enough to get the ladder and pull the rest of it off...maybe another day.
Since it was so nice I decided to pull out the violets out of the strawberry and blueberry garden, I got about 75% of it finished, when I decided that I was getting hungry and went inside to make myself something for lunch. I did not realize it but I had been working outside from 0900 until 1345. So I cleaned up and made myself a chicken sandwich from the left over chicken from the other night.
I went to get the towels out of the dryer that I had put in there before going outside, but the dryer was empty. Kathleen had emptied it and folded them, so I just put them away.
We were going to Aaron and Tami's house about 1630 to celebrate Tami's birthday, so I decided that I would just stay inside and rest up. I had not realized that I was as tired as I was until I stopped working.
We had a really nice time with Aaron and Tami, Alyssa was there with her children; Toni and Chucky were there as well. Andrea was working so she and John were not there and Dan came later so just about the whole family was there.
The grandchildren play so well together...most of the time and they really had a good time tonight. They are all getting so big it is hard to believe...where has the time gone?
Kathleen was feeling pretty good for most of the day, but tonight, just before we left, she started to feel bad again. She is now dozing on the couch. We were planning on going to Alyssa and Dan's tomorrow after church, but the way she is feeling now, I am not sure if she will be up for it. We will just have to play it by ear I guess.
Well, I think that is all for tonight, so I will just say good night.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Mix emotions today
This morning I had breakfast with my accountability group so from a little after 0800 until about 1045 I was out of the house and felt pretty good. I got there a little early so I walked for fifteen minutes or so and it felt good.
Kathleen had her physical therapy appointment at 1300 today so while she was getting dressed I made myself something to eat before we left. She was very emotional today, crying for no apparent reason and not able to control it. She also was not feeling well, her stomach hurt and so did her head. The arm almost always hurts, so I do not even count that.
When we got to physical therapy she started to cry, and they asked her if she just wanted to forget therapy today and go home. She needed to have her range of motion checked today so they had to do that so that they could send it to the doctor for her appointment Tuesday.
I suggested that perhaps the therapy might be beneficial to her and that since she had to do the most unpleasant part anyway she might as well do the exercising. She did and while she did not feel better, she did not feel any worse.
Kathleen asked if we could stop at Target and get a mango smoothie, since we had not done that in a while I decided to stop there, besides we needed to stop at Safeway and get some of her special coffee and they were in the same strip mall.
Fewer and fewer places are carrying the coffee that she likes so we have to keep on finding new places. Last week I checked on line to find out who was still carrying it and it looks like Safeway and Albertson are the only two close by that are carrying it now.
Well we finally made it home about 1645. I had planned to mow the front lawn today, but I was really tired. After I changed my clothes and sat for fifteen minutes or so I decided, I better get up and get outside as no one else was going to mow it for me.
I even parked the Wrangler in the driveway this morning when I got back from breakfast, so I did not have that as an excuse for not mowing it.
I even mowed it twice, once to rake the leaves and then I dropped the height and mowed it again to cut the grass.
After cleaning up and sitting for another half hour, I decided to make dinner. I made ravioli, and corn on the cob. It only took about fifteen minutes total...about five minutes quicker than Alyssa's Blackened Tilapia Sautéed Zucchini and Onions Dot Noodles, which took her 20 minutes. It probably was not as taste though.
After dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen, did the hand wash dishes, finished loading up the dishwasher, and turned it on.
Well, that was my day, I am tired now and I think that I will head for bed...good night!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Things are greening up again!
After I got up this morning, I went out with Reggie and I noticed that the grass was starting to green up once again. I made waffles for breakfast and then went and read the paper.
After a while I went out to the garage and gathered up the things that I had set aside for Goodwill and loaded them into the SUV. The mail came in the mean time so I read that and took care of a couple medical insurance issues. Then I went and dropped the things off at Goodwill.
That is four trips to Goodwill in about a week, at this rate I will eventually get the garage cleaned out and maybe I will be able to park a vehicle or two in it. Who knows, I may even be able to work out there and not have to move half of the garage to do it.
When I got back from Goodwill I cooked up a couple sausages for lunch and than I went out and mowed the back yard. The grass has not started to grow yet, but the weather is cool enough now that I felt that I could lower the height down and not worry about the grass being too short.
I was going to mow the front yard, but I did not feel like moving the Wrangler...maybe tomorrow. I put the mower away and thought that I would move a few things around so that it would be easier to move around in the garage. If I can get enough space cleared out I will be able to install the pulley system so that I can hang the hard top in the summers when I have the soft top on the Jeep.
When I finished and went into the house, Kathleen had started making dinner. She wanted mashed potatoes so I mashed them for her. Kathleen had cooked up some chicken and onions, so we had a very nice dinner.
Kathleen seemed to be better today; her emotions were not running the full spectrum as they had been for the last couple of weeks. Maybe the medications are doing their jobs...I can only hope.
Well, I think that is about it for tonight, good night!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Looked like rain all day
I checked upstairs and Kathleen was still sound asleep so I left her a note telling her that I was dropping that stuff off at Goodwill and then took off. I got back home about 1230 and Kathleen had just gotten up.
I made myself some lunch out of some of the leftover steak from last nights dinner. After eating, I paid a couple of bills online, then went out to the garage again, and sorted out some more things to take to Goodwill. I think I have enough for another load.
I cleaned up for dinner, chili and corn on the cob. We ate early tonight as we had a church business meeting at 1900. The meeting got over about 2030, but by the time I helped clean up and we left it was after 2100.
So I checked my e-mail and looked to see if there were any new blog entries and Alyssa had one so I paged through it and then decided I had better get started on my own.
That is pretty much how my day went, and now it is time for bed. So good night and have a great day!
New photos
Paper Capers
Leave a comment, so I know you stopped by...I wish these blogs would tell you who visits like Dad's Care Pages kind of drives me crazy.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Physical Therapy Day!
I did not get much done this morning except make breakfast, read the paper and the mail. I helped get Kathleen ready for her appointment and drove her there. Once she was checked in, I went up to her doctor’s office to pick up a couple prescriptions for her.
She seemed to do well at therapy, so afterwards she wanted to go to Jo~Ann Fabrics to use some of her coupons. So we looked around for some wool batting and some handles for a purse she wants to make.
After what seemed like a couple of hours she started to get hungry so we checked out and headed to Fred Meyer to get her prescriptions filled and pick up a couple of steaks for dinner.
I broiled the steaks, mine only about half as long as Kathleen’s and scrubbed a few potatoes to microwave. The steaks were really good.
Kathleen is now taking a muscle relaxed as well as her pain medication, so after dinner she dozed on and off for most of the night. She also is complaining about the pain, so the next day or two will be more of the same.
Well, I have run out of things to say and I am getting too tired to think of anything else, so I guess it is time to say good night.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Back online!
Rain and than Sunshine!
I got up about 0730 and made myself some cereal, juice and coffee. After reading the paper and the mail I decided that I needed to go out to the garage and try to sort out some of my auto stuff, like was, polish window cleaners and the like.
So I put together a shelf and started to pull the piles apart. I found many things that I had forgotten that I had. After sorting out the garden stuff from the automotive stuff, I started to put the automotive stuff on the shelf and sorted them out by type of product.
I was able to combine many of the same things and filled up a recycling tub with the empty plastic containers. Some of the stuff I just dumped because either it had dried up or there was not enough left to worry about.
I even found some things that I had gotten for my old sports car, which I could no longer use. Finally, about 1600 I decided to wrap things up. I had not eaten lunch and was starting to get hungry. I also was starting to get tired, so it brought things back into the garage and decided to finish it another day.
I washed a garbage can that I had filled up with dirty rags that I use for washing and waxing the vehicles. By the time, they finished drying I was really ready to stop for the day.
Kathleen heated up a couple of potpies for dinner and after dinner; I fell asleep in the chair in the living room. I think I was reading a magazine, which did not help.
I just got up and decided that I had better write this or I might not get it done tonight. That said I think that I will say good night.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Just a couple of words here – I found, once again, that trying OTC pain relief makes for a difficult day. I tried it again Saturday which was a waste. The pain gets a bit dull but continually nags at me and I get whiney. Whinier. Ask Bob, no, don’t ask Bob…. The actual break isn’t the source of much pain any more but the muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, red and white corpuscles, you name it, whatever resides in my right arm and shoulder are not happy with the use they are getting and not much besides heat helps... and Rx pain pills. I guess this means another call to the Doc. The last Rx was for fewer pills and it was supposed to last a week longer. I hate being dependent on them, but, for now, I guess I am.
Yesterday I picked up my copy of Faith for a Lifetime, the Women of Faith Devotional I got last year. I was trying to see if it would point me in a way which would help my frustration. I mistakenly turned to today's page but wouldn’t you know what it said was, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18. (Actually it had a type-o and said ‘in everything give things’ which isn’t bad either.) I can pray and I can be thankful but that ‘rejoicing always’ stuff just isn’t happening. Rejoice - To feel joyful; be delighted; to fill with joy; gladden. This is definitely not happening.
One of the reasons I want to use OTC pain meds is to get away from the numbing the Rx stuff gives me. However, it is the numbing that keeps me from being as grouchy from the pain.
Another definition of rejoice was ‘be very happy about something’. Pain tends to keep me centered on myself and I know I need to find a way to get beyond me – and that means doing something.
Yesterday I did do a bit of mending and that was a major accomplishment. I had a new pair of PJs that was too long for me. I was putting them in the wash when I noticed the bottom couple of inches of the pants were filthy from being worn by a short woman. I took a deep ‘growing’ pleat above that and now they fit. I know I’m not going to need to let them down some day but it got the job done quickly. I was going to put on another pair of PJs that were too long. The elastic had come unstitched, making them longer yet and I was putting up with it until last night. I cut off the waistband and re-applied the elastic. I don’t know how many of you can relate to this but it is just wonderful to not be tripping on my PJs - especially now. I don't need to fall again. It wasn’t that it was so difficult to fix but it did mean that I had to do it.
Well, the ‘couple of words’ seemed to stretch, as usual. I did have a great time at Tami and Aaron’s today. It is delightful to have them so close – about 52 blocks away. Toni and Chucky brought the salad and the newest addition to their family – Spooky. Toni says she gets spooked by everything. It was fun to play with a kitten again. Alexis and Becca really loved playing with her too, but the kitty preferred to sleep. She was a feral kitty they had rescued from where they live. The vet said she would have died from fleas if they hadn’t taken care of her. She is black with a tiny bit of white in her ears, is between two and three months old and is mostly ears. Aaron and Tami’s cat, Jasmine, was definitely not happy to have a visitor - maybe because they are both females.
It is time for me to go to sleep. It took Bob his usual 1 ½ minutes to fall asleep about two hours ago. It takes me much longer to wind down at night because I'm usually feeling much better than I do the rest of the day. I would love to feel as good in the morning as I do at night….
Sunday September 17th 2006
I got home a little after 1100 and she was awake. I gathered up some light colored clothes and did a load of laundry, as I did not get a chance to do them the other day when I was doing the laundry.
Aaron called after they got home from church to see if Kathleen was feeling well enough to make it to their house for dinner, she said she was.
I really did not do much except the laundry this afternoon, but I found myself taking a nap in the chair this afternoon, I think I have run out of reserve and am tiring more easily.
Tami had made a couple of enchilada casseroles for dinner that were very good. We had stopped by Winco and picked up the makings for hot fudge sundaes for dessert and that topped off a very good meal.
Toni and Chucky were there with their new kitten that they rescued, it sure was tiny and frail looking. The grandchildren really enjoyed her.
Well, like I said, I did not do much today, so I guess that I will just say good night and have a great new week.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Almost autumn
Before I know it, the rainy season will be upon us and that means almost nine months of sun depravation. I was so worn out this summer that I did not get to do many of the things that I enjoy doing. Typically, Kathleen and I spend some time at the coast in early September after school starts, and this year we have missed that, we will be lucky to make it in October.
Oh well, on with life. This morning was the first Men's Breakfast at church for the Fall season. I helped with the cooking duties and as I was doing that I realized that all three of us men had been in the hospital for one thing or another in the last three months. I think that is a sign that the cooking staff is getting old, although I am the youngest of the regular five that head up the breakfast crew.
I got there just a little before 0700 and did not get out of there until a little after 1100. It is always tiring, but a lot of fun and very enjoyable.
Aaron asked if Kathleen and I would like to go to their place for a 1600 meal tomorrow, but right now, it kind of depends on how Kathleen feels. She got up a little while after I got home.
I worked outside most of the afternoon, cleaning up the area just outside the back door and digging or chopping out some of the sucker trees that have been growing in the yard for the past couple of years. I have to do this a couple times a year, and this year I did not get it done until now.
I made sausages and tater tots for dinner tonight…really nutritious!
I also put away the dishes that I had washed a couple days ago and forgot were still in the dishwasher. While cleaning up the kitchen I realized that I probably needed to do a load of towels as well. I just got done folding and putting them away a little while ago.
I guess that is all for today, have a great Sunday!
Friday, September 15, 2006
It rained again today!
I got home about 1100 and tried to get Kathleen motivated to get dressed and ready for her physical therapy appointment at 1300. We finally left the house about 1255, so needless to say we were a tad bit late for her appointment.
Kathleen has really been emotional lately and she has had a hard time getting motivated to do anything. Some days she cannot motivate herself to get dressed, and that gets her to feel worse about herself… and so the cycle continues.
I thought that she did really well with her physical therapy and she is able to move her arm much more than she could even a week ago and much better than a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway, after her physical therapy she wanted to stop by Kohl’s, Lowe’s and Wal-Mart. So by the time we went to Lowe’s and Kohl’s we were both pretty hungry so we stopped by Taco Del Mar and had a couple tacos apiece. We then went to Wal-Mart to pick up some coffee and cookies that Kathleen likes.
They are either not carrying the coffee any longer or they were out of it, but either way she did not get the coffee she wanted and Wal-Mart was one of the last places still carrying that brand.
By the time we got home it was after 1900 and it was too late to start doing anything, so today I did not accomplish much of anything.
Well, that is about it for today, tomorrow morning I get to get up and go to church to make breakfast for our first men’s breakfast since June. We get there about 0700 so that we can serve breakfast by 0900.
Good night.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
It Rained Today!
I made my self a couple Polish sausages for lunch and then went out to the garage and sorted some more things to take to Goodwill. I worked under cover, as we had our first real rain in about three months.
After I did all I could for today in the garage I went in the house and vacuumed the downstairs. I am really amazed at how much dog hair there is every day, but more than that I am amazed at the amount of “dirt” I collect every day. I think that a lot of it is being pulled up from under the carpet.
I made some cod, tater tots and corn for dinner tonight and after dinner Kathleen made some peach ice cream with our new Kitchen Aid ice cream maker. We had some and it was really good, it was a little runny yet, but a couple of hours in the freezer will fix that.
Well Kathleen did not have any energy today so she never made it out of her nightclothes so we did not do any running around today…probably a good thing.
I think that is about all for today…see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A somewhat productive day
I needed to rake up the leaves from the front yard again, but I just did not feel like it, so I vacuumed the downstairs. Not quite the same, but it filled the urge.
Later in the morning, I went out to the garage and sorted out more things to take to Goodwill. I got another SUV load full and Kathleen and I even went there and dropped it off. I can now go from one side of the garage to the other with out injuring myself.
Andrea came over and took Kathleen to “Bed Bath and Beyond”. They stopped off at Rossi farm and brought home some corn for dinner. I had a couple ears and the leftovers from last night. Yummy!
Kathleen had a Fellowship team meeting tonight so I took her to church and then went home and sorted out some more things to take to Goodwill tomorrow. Kathleen got a ride home so I did not have to pick her up.
Well, that is about all for tonight. Have a good night!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The day after
Kathleen had her physical therapy this afternoon so that took a couple hours out of the day. She is doing so much better than she had been even a week ago, and I do not think that she is in quite as much pain, although she might not agree with that.
After her physical therapy session, she wanted to stop by Fabric Depot to pick up a few things. I do not think that she picked up what she stopped there for but she did manage to find some things to buy no the less.
We then stopped by Winco for a couple items that we neglected to get yesterday. When we got home and put everything away Kathleen and I both worked on dinner. I think that this was the first dinner that we made from scratch. No frozen food, no pre-pared meal, just real food. We simply cut up some potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, onion, and of course garlic and parmesan cheese.
I think we had enough left over for at least one more meal for at least me and maybe even for Kathleen as well.
Well, that was our day, and it is time to say good night!
Monday, September 11, 2006
I remember I was still working at Boeing and I was sitting at my desk listening to the radio, while I was working, when they interrupted and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I went to an internet site, caught a live feed from one of the news stations, and watched in horror.
I spent over fifteen years of my youth growing up about 70 miles outside of New York City and I remember the skyline from the harbor. I was really taken back as I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. My first thoughts were of my family especially some of the extended family aunts, uncles and cousins that lived and or worked in and around the city.
So today with the news shows showing the same pictures again brought back some of the same emotions from five years ago. I had a hard time thinking about doing anything today.
I did manage to load up the SUV with some things to take to Goodwill, and we did actually take the stuff to the drop off center. We also stopped by the bank and straightened out the account that the payment comes out of and then stopped at Winco and did some grocery shopping.
We did not need a lot, but just enough to make shopping necessary. After putting away our purchases, I pretty much crashed. Partly because for the second day in a row Kathleen’s Acura alarm went off and I was not able to get back to sleep.
Well, I am too tired to think of anything else to write about so I will just say…good night!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A very good day!
Now remember that the last time we were going to Alyssa and Dan’s was the very same day that Kathleen broke her arm. So it was almost a trip back into time. While we were still on the phone with Alyssa Andrea called back and said that the house that they looked at really would not work out for them.
Well off we went to Alyssa and Dan’s, Kathleen went into the water, I did not. I did not feel all that well, I thing that I did more physical work than I was ready for yesterday. I did take the older two for a short walk and wound up carrying Zander for a good portion of the “walk”. Later when I was resting in the chair Zander came and curled up on my lap and asked if I could spend the night. I thought that was cute and made my day.
Well, I did not realize it when we came over but Alyssa was having us over for dinner. She had chicken, rice and lentils…it was very good. Toni and Chucky were there as well and Aaron called just as we were serving dinner, so I was able to talk or see all of the kiddos today.
Well, I think that is about it for today, good night and have a great week!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I also pulled the ivy that was growing on the west side of the garage off. I like having the ivy on the ground as I do not have to mow that little strip between our garage and the neighbors driveway, but I have to keep it pulled off the garage at least once a year.
I also washed a couple loads of laundry, dried them, then folded them and put away. Of course I had to vacuum up Reggie fur. I did not do much more than that today, it was kind of a take it easy day.
I think that is about it for today, good night!
Friday, September 08, 2006
It is Friday!
Today was a special day for us as Alyssa stopped by with the children. I think she just wanted the coupons that I had been saving for her. We had some of the banana bread that Andrea had made and also some rice checks. For dessert, I took the two oldest, Natalie and Zander, out to the raspberry patch and feasted on some of the fall crop.
It was good to see them, they have not been here for quite a while and Zander wanted to “borrow” some of our toys, but we keep them out for all of our grandchildren to play with when they visit. Well I do play with a couple of the toy Jeeps, but usually only with the grandchildren.
After they left Kathleen and I went to Costco, a place we had not been to in about three months. When one considers that we use to go there at least once a week it has been quite a long time for us. Of course, we made up for what we did not spend over those couple of months today.
By the time we got home we were both really tired. Luckily, we had bought some ravioli so I boiled up some and opened up a jar of sauce and we had dinner.
That is about all we did today. I did manage to vacuum the downstairs a couple times today and did a load of dishes, but they are still in the dishwasher. Well I will say good night…see you tomorrow!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
A long day!
It was probably a good thing as I needed to water the plants, even thought the weather has cooled off we still have not had any appreciable amounts of rain in a couple of months.
Kathleen had her second physical therapy appointment today, so that took up a couple hours from about 1400 until 1530. After that Kathleen wanted to stop off at Fabric Depot, so that took another hour and an half, and then we needed to stop off at Fred Meyer to get Kathleen’s pain medication prescription filled.
While we were waiting for that to happen, we did some shopping. When Kathleen stopped by to pick up her prescription, they could not find it, so we had to wait another twenty minutes for them to figure out where it was. They finally found it and by this time it was about 1830.
We went back home to let Reggie out because we were going to Andrea and John’s for dinner tonight. Andrea made some pot roast and decided to have us over. John did not get there until about 2000 and we had just started to eat.
We had a good visit and John and I went out to get some gasoline for his truck that was in his shop. Kathleen and Andrea stayed there as Kathleen was looking at a couple of Andrea’s books.
We were going to stop by Alyssa and Dan’s but it had gotten too late. So Alyssa we still have the coupons for you here.
Well, I am tired and I think that I will just say good night!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
A First!
After her hair appointment we went to DEQ to get Kathleen’s Acura passed and re-tagged. It passed fine and after about ten minutes and $75.00 we were on our way again.
We stopped by GI Joes to get a small weight for Kathleen; she also found a jacket and another exercise device while there. Since we were just about next to the Craft Warehouse, we stopped there as well. Of course, she found a few things there to buy as well.
We were both getting tired so we decided to head for home, but made one last stop to get some gasoline. We were only gone about four hours, but neither one of us had much energy left.
After resting for a little while, I heated up some leftovers for dinner. I think that I have just about finished all the leftovers in the fridge. Tomorrow night Andrea has invited us over for roast beef. It has been quite a while since we have been over there to see their place.
Well, I think that is all for tonight…good night!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I GOT THE CLAMP OFF MY POOR BROKEN ARM AND THE STRAP THAT WENT AROUND ME FOR THE PAST SIX WEEKS OFF TODAY!!! It is healing – maybe not as fast as they would like but really well considering that I am diabetic – usually well controlled. I’ve not been as good as I should in remembering to shoot myself with Byetta. It keeps me in great control but sometimes it hurt to think, much less remember to do what’s good for me.
Now to keep going to physical therapy twice a week, doing what I can to stretch myself at home and just be good. I am and I’m not looking forward to going to bed tonight without that clamp. I’m not going to fall apart but I do have to be really careful. No surgery, no pin, no MRI on the wrist or elbow – at least for now. YEA!!!!
Sometimes it has felt like forever then, well, I guess not so long.
Day of Appointments
She had a doctor’s appointment this morning at 1045, which went very well. The x-rays looked good and the doctor told her to take the brace off her upper arm. So now she feels very vulnerable. She is very protective of her arm right now, which is understandable.
Then this afternoon at 1300, she had her first physical therapy appointment without her brace. I think that it went pretty well for her. I think that the brace was somewhat limiting in her range of motion. She did not seem as sore afterwards, but we will still need to see what tomorrow brings.
Tomorrow she has her monthly hair appointment so that should make her feel better. Usually the day after her physical therapy appointments are the hardest days for her…I cannot wait!
We took a walk after dinner tonight, something we have not done on a regular basis since she broke her arm, I would like to make it a regular happening for us. We took Reggie with us tonight, the last few days his arthritis has been making it really hard for him to get around. So the walk was not only good for Kathleen and me, but Reggie as well.
Well, I think that is all for tonight.
Blog Protocol
Sunday, September 03, 2006
We're Back
Labor Day weekend
Today was better, although I could not get her going this morning so I went to church myself, it was Pastor Mark’s first service and I was impressed. I finally got Kathleen showered and dressed around 1500 this afternoon. She wanted to go to Wal-Mart and Michael’s, but we only got as far as Wal-Mart and she needed to get home once again.
Today was almost pleasant weather-wise, it did not get as hot as they were predicting and that was a nice surprise. I think it only got to about 85 degrees instead of the 90+ that they were predicting. I will take 85 any day over 90+ weather.
As I have been walking around the back yard the last couple of days it is really crunchy, the hot wind we had a couple of days ago blew a lot of leaves down and it is just like the end of October, except the leaves are usually wet in October.
Well, nothing else exciting to write about today so I will say good night.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Where has the summer gone?
She is still having pain in her elbow and wrist, which has not been explained by anything shown in the x-rays. I think that the doctor said that if she was still having this pain this coming Tuesday that she would need to have an MRI. Therefore, she still might be in for a long recovery.
It was really windy here today; it was not the normal cooling wind, but rather a really hot wind coming out of the gorge from eastern Oregon and Washington. This is the weekend and once again the temperature is supposed to be in the 90’s. We have gone from the low 70’s on Wednesday to 90’s this weekend. It is a little hard on the body to adjust to such a swing in temperature, or at least for my body to make the adjustment.
After Kathleen’s physical therapy appointment today, we stopped by the local truck farm just down the street and picked up some corn that I shucked and boiled for dinner tonight. This is just the right time for corn; it is so sweet it is unbelievable!
Well this is another ordinary day in our lives, other than the physical therapy appointment we really did not do much of anything constructive. Tomorrow should be interesting; it is usually the day after physical therapy that Kathleen has the most pain.
Aaron, Tami and the girls are camping at the coast with Tami’s family so I get to take care of Archie again this weekend. It is mostly feeding changing his water and playing fetch with him for a while. He is still pretty much still a puppy…a bigggg puppy, but still just a pup. Reggie is an old dog compared to Archie, Reggie spends a lot of his day sleeping or resting…kind of like his owners!
Have a good night and a great long weekend!